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Q9550 - 4Ghz or 3.68Ghz?? what do YOU think?

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That's because the Zalman 9700 existed before quad core CPUs. It really struggles with the heat load of modern processors.


Oh, and Feed, you should put your rig specs in your sig... the Striker II Extreme isn't all that straightforward to overclock quads... you'll need to play around with most of the voltage options (PLL, VTT, NB, SB, GTLREF) in order to push your Q9550


These secondary voltage controls are, in some ways, more important than the CPU voltage. While the Auto values work well to a point, once you go over ~400FSB, manual settings really help.


I had my Q9450 running at 3.8 GHz (P95 24+ hour) before I tried a massive overclocking session for >4 GHz and broke the NB lol


Now I have a new board and am taking it up slowly and tweaking the other voltages (other than CPU and NB) with more attention

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what kind of mobo did you have?


how much did you raise by to fry it? (did you skip a few steps)?

I really dont want anything like that happening to me...




are there charts for max nb sb values (for asus striker II extreme for instance)?

i think he's just trying to tell ya to go slow, take your and time test your systems responses to changes prior to pushing up settings cuz good overclocking takes patience and every system is slightly different.....even if the same type of hardware is involved one pcb or cpu is gonna have minor differences from another and testing needs to take place before you push limits... :D

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hey Feedtheaddiction, I'm in somewhat a similar boat as you and I figured I'd see if I could help you out any. I'm trying for 4GHz as well. On your board asus recommends up to 1.6v on the NB and to run my Q9550 at 3.83GHz i'm pumping 1.4v through NB. but for some reason it won't let me get 4GHz even with NB up to 1.5v. my chip is getting 1.39v vcore if that helps you.

feel free to ask me any questions about your setup and I'd be happy to answer them :).

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what kind of mobo did you have?


how much did you raise by to fry it? (did you skip a few steps)?

I think I pushed the NB up (or over) 1.7v... on air lol...


I'd suggest keeping the NB somewhere between 1.4 and 1.5v, the SB at 1.5v (or Auto), and then try the PLL in the 1.55-1.6 range and the VTT in the 1.2 to 1.4 range


right now, I'm running:


CPU: 1.31250v

LLC: Dis

PLL: 1.56v

VTT: 1.30v

RAM: 1.82v

NB: 1.50v

SB: 1.50v


8 x 472.5 = 3780 MHz

DDR945, 9-15-15-36-2T


and it's passing P95 Blend (1h 44m) @ whereas on Auto or lower values, it would fail after like 15 mins


I'm on water cooling (CPU, 2x MOSFET, NB, 2x GPU) though, so P95 Blend load temps are 52, 44, 51, 46 right now... you might have to set some fans up on the fusion heatsink and mosfets to get stability...

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