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Need some help overclocking my system!


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Hello ok so i do know a little but not all about overclocking so this is what i set:


Multi: 14,5 (MAX)

BUS: 222




Giving me a total of 3222mhz core speed

HTlink on 889mhz

Dram ferquency 358mhz (DDR2 so that should be 716mhz)

And ram i set to 667 off 800 or else it would crash if i left anything on AUTO it would crash so its all set as it is..

Also i raised processor core v to 1.375 from default 1.35


My specs:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ Stepping 3

Geil ultra 4GB 800 MHZ

Gigabyte GA-m57sli-s4 (rev 2.0) http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Mother...?ProductID=2539


Now as i see my temperatures are still in range of normal i run cpu testing tool and it keeps it on 100% for a longer time and temps get 55c* core0 and 49 core1


I would like to push my memory to get back to 800 and my HTlink back to 1GHZ so i belive i should set far more like 236 x 14,5 and that would give me 3.422mhz in total as long the cpu is not over 65 i consider it fine! or should i chose more bus and less multi and why?

But im unsure how to overclock it from here should i just push it? max in my bios i can set the vcore 1.500 but that seems a bit too high! also do i need to increse memory voltage?

What interests me also is the memory timings! how do i set those? and what is recomended?

I have absolutly no idea what this clocks mean but i see ppl get a lot lower so im guessing i could too and memory will operate faster!



My ram sticks are all the same! Geil Ultra 800mhz

they look like these http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/4959/geilej4.jpg


Thank you for your help!

Edited by sale666

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ok my newest thing is this but im looking on pushing it to 3.5




not stable i cant get any stable actualy i just went testing and none of my overclocks are stable!

i bumped my voltage from 1.35 to 1.400 and still not stable should i bump the HT link voltage? it can be added +0.025 and so on...

Edited by sale666

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Is your processor the "Black Edition"? I am guessing not since you are changing the fsb. Your processor is going to be very limited to what overclocks you can get and still keep your ramm at optimal freq. since you are running your ram lower though, you might be able to tighten those timings a little. Try 4-4-4-12 and see if those timings are stable using a program like memtest86




And yes you can up the HT link voltage, but do so carefully

Edited by Water_Hazard

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thank you for your reply no my processor is not black edition it has a locked multi of 15x and ht of 5x...

iv tried to set timings to 4-4-4-12 as sugested but my pc doesnt even start than! however i read that my memory is preaty darn solid they even tested it up to 1100 mhz! my current is 5-5-5-18... what could be the issue?

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thank you for your reply no my processor is not black edition it has a locked multi of 15x and ht of 5x...

iv tried to set timings to 4-4-4-12 as sugested but my pc doesnt even start than! however i read that my memory is preaty darn solid they even tested it up to 1100 mhz! my current is 5-5-5-18... what could be the issue?


What board are you using? I don't see anything listed in your siq. You will probably need to bump up your secondary voltages to help get the speed up, but your chip is going to be very limited because of having FSB adjustments only. 235+ for that system is doing very well and anything over that will probably be shaky

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What board are you using? I don't see anything listed in your siq. You will probably need to bump up your secondary voltages to help get the speed up, but your chip is going to be very limited because of having FSB adjustments only. 235+ for that system is doing very well and anything over that will probably be shaky




That is my board! however every frequency above stock is not stable it dose boot to windows up to 3.330 mhz! but it isnt stable!

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Most decent ram can overclock fairly well. My gskill 1333 9-9-9-24 I have had overclocked to 1456. But I didnt see much of a performance increase. But when I lowered the speed to 1152 and tightened the timing to 8-8-8-21 I saw a much bigger increase even at lower speeds


edit: also overclocking your ramm is going to make tightening the timings harder.. You may even have to loosen timing.. Now that I think about it, since you are overclocking your ramm with the cpu try loosening your timings and see if that helps your OC. try 6-6-6-18

Edited by Water_Hazard

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should i try lowering my ram to 667 than setting the timing to 4-4-4-12? would that be faster?


If your pc wouldnt even boot at 800 4-4-4-12 then I doubt it will be stable even at 667.. You are still going to get a bigger gain out of overclocking the cpu even with relaxed timings, so I would try that. If you have a little extra cash I would consider getting a new cpu. The newer amd's are a lot better at OCing(the black editions are anyway) I would seriously consider a new cpu. You would see an amazing increase in performance even with the same motherboard and ramm


Also, are you overclocking for a purpose, like for gaming or benchmarks? or just to see how high you can get? Just trying to see what you are wanting out of the OC.

Edited by Water_Hazard

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A bios update could possibly help out your OC too. I didnt see anything about better overclocking being supported in the bios updates for your board but then again they didnt really list much... so it may be worth a shot

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A bios update could possibly help out your OC too. I didnt see anything about better overclocking being supported in the bios updates for your board but then again they didnt really list much... so it may be worth a shot


My bios is up to date and im overclocking mainly for games! im getting an Geforce GTX 260 gainward golden sample and i belive most new games will require me to overclock my pc to run them like mirrors edge and so on! i want to run it all on 1680x1050 at very high details with AA and physx!

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My bios is up to date and im overclocking mainly for games! im getting an Geforce GTX 260 gainward golden sample and i belive most new games will require me to overclock my pc to run them like mirrors edge and so on! i want to run it all on 1680x1050 at very high details with AA and physx!


your video card will definitely benefit from a cpu overclock. have you tried loosening the timings to help your OC? You should still be able to play most games beautifully though. The gtx 260 is an amazing card but, if you plan on overclocking the gpu, I'm not sure you would see the full potential of the card without overclocking the cpu as well

Edited by Water_Hazard

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