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Question about auto settings in bios

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Quick question:


When something is set to auto in bios (say vtt for example, or vcore), is that another way of saying "I will adapt automatically to other voltages and frequency" or "I will automatically adjust to stock processor specs"??


Basically, If I only change memory and frequency and their ratios, will the auto settings in the voltages and memory timings change to support the values I input, or the values flashed in each component from the factory???


Will auto take VID or actual Vcore in account?


If u change one volatage or 2, can the others keep up in auto, or must a complete manual adjustment be made?

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Quick question:


When something is set to auto in bios (say vtt for example, or vcore), is that another way of saying "I will adapt automatically to other voltages and frequency" or "I will automatically adjust to stock processor specs"??


Basically, If I only change memory and frequency and their ratios, will the auto settings in the voltages and memory timings change to support the values I input, or the values flashed in each component from the factory???


Will auto take VID or actual Vcore in account?


If u change one volatage or 2, can the others keep up in auto, or must a complete manual adjustment be made?

trying to oc my system with auto settings yeilds immediate bsod's and i don't know if it's because the system defaults to mobo or cpu configs...all i can tell you for certain is on this computer i get only about 20ghz+- before the thing gets unstable and starts to crash and then i go into bios and adjust....i've read on several various occasions that using auto can be dangerous for a system...sorry i don't know much about that either except low voltage causes a multitude of problems... but i'm sure one of these oldtimers in here will straighten us out....cya....cj :blush:

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Auto=default. That's all.


I've never heard of 'auto' settings being adaptive to other settings you use. I just don't think the BIOS is that smart. I've always just taken it to mean default.


Also, everyone makes a huge deal about not using Auto settings, but I'm here to tell you from personal experience that it's not that bad. I do it all the time. I do recommend to use a hard setting whenever you know what it should be, but if you don't know what it should be, you can do just as much harm as good by switching off of Auto.

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I've never heard of 'auto' settings being adaptive to other settings you use. I just don't think the BIOS is that smart.

Some Biostar boards adjust voltages when set to auto. The values are almost always excessive though.

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