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Similar System OC Settings?


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Does anyone have a system similar to mine (see sig)? If so can you recommend settings for safe OC of memory, VC and CPU? I'm new to overclocking and am a little overwhelmed trying to decifer the setting combinations for my equipment. Thanks for your help!

Edited by cbjetboy

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You should be able to hit 3.0 or 3.2 on pretty much auto to start with. Try and keepo your memory volts to 1.65 max. You may have to get the QPI volts up a little bit with 12gb of memory. I have not tried that configuration yet.

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Is there really any need for me to mess with it? I can run COD WAW and Crysis Warhead with everything maxed at 1920x1200 with no jitters. I do a lot of Photoshop etc. for my photography. Would OC really help that as well? I built this machine to perform and it is very fast as-is but I am intrigued with OC possibilities. Thanks for your help!

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It realy depends on your system but 3.6 (180 reference) should be easily atainable, vcore, QPI/VTT and memory voltages are the ones you will want to boost a bit.. (1.3 vcore, 1.3QPI/VTT should get you close to something stable) watch your temps though..



I used the guide below to help explain some of the settings, though I didnt have to use that much voltage to hit 4ghz.. (though I did back mine down to 3.6 with the above voltages to drop temps a bit to prep for warmer weather and daily use.. will probibly push it back up when I switch to the new case and put the GPU/Chipset in a seperat loop from the CPU).




just noticed you have a 940 not a 920.. that one has a higher max muliplier.. so not sure what it will take. so what Ccokeman said :)

Edited by Hyper

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Is there really any need for me to mess with it? I can run COD WAW and Crysis Warhead with everything maxed at 1920x1200 with no jitters. I do a lot of Photoshop etc. for my photography. Would OC really help that as well? I built this machine to perform and it is very fast as-is but I am intrigued with OC possibilities. Thanks for your help!



Nope you don't have to overclock it. Its just the thought of being able to get some "free" performance.

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Nope you don't have to overclock it. Its just the thought of being able to get some "free" performance.


Would I really see a difference? I can run every game I have installed at full settings on my 1920x1200 Dell 24" monitor with no jitters. I haven't tried to run the benchmarking app to get some fps but it must be doing better than 40 or I would see some jitters, correct? Thanks for your help!

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