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e8400 w/750i ftw. 4ghz. Again.

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Okay, I know you're all tired of the same e8400 4ghz threads but I did try to search on google and this forum and my instance can't be found. Basically I'm sitting at 3.915ghz (1740/4x9) at 1.3 vcore under full load, 1.32 idle (1.34375 BIOS). I am also at 30* idle and around 50* load. I have a Zalman 7500 hsf but I just ordered a Xigmatek yesterday so that should drop the temps a bit. Anyways. I tried hitting 445x9 (1780 fsb) and for the life of me I cannot get it. Right now mobo voltages are: 1.2 fsb, 1.45 nb, 1.35 sb, 2.2 ram. I have 2x2gb ocz reaper 8500 (1066) ram at 1066mhz. Now for 4 ghz what I did was up the BIOS voltage for vcore to 1.375 (1.34 idle 1.32 load), keep fsb at 1.2 since the fsb will roast at anything higher, and all voltages the same as well, except I linked the ram 1:1 so essentially ram was at 890mhz @ 4-4-4-12. No luck. Where do I go from here. Do you think I'm hooped? BTW I tried 500mhz fsb with 6x multi and that passed occt 30 minute test. But I don't think it's the processor... I got it to 3.825 ghz with only 1.25 vcore load and 1.27 idle. So for that extra 0.275 I don't think a TON more vcore would be needed. Anyways what do you guys think?

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Hey shiver.

i just got my e8500 to 4ghz and had the same problems as you.


the FSB voltage seems low to me, and i dont think that you need 1.35 on the SB. Uh. and the Reapers. i got them too and i think they can go 2.2.-2.3v. try a little bit more on them or run memtest to exclude that its the ram wich is failing..


Else you could try a lower multi on the CPU and RAMdevider and find out how far you can go with your FSB.



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Hey shiver.

i just got my e8500 to 4ghz and had the same problems as you.


the FSB voltage seems low to me, and i dont think that you need 1.35 on the SB. Uh. and the Reapers. i got them too and i think they can go 2.2.-2.3v. try a little bit more on them or run memtest to exclude that its the ram wich is failing..


Else you could try a lower multi on the CPU and RAMdevider and find out how far you can go with your FSB.



Thanks for replying. Yea my max fsb was 500 flat, not 1mhz more. Just when I put fsb past 1.2v the fsb seems to overheat. Anyways I'm going to try it at 1.25 and see how it goes. My settings are now: 444.4x9, vcore 1.334 idle 1.32 load, memory @ 889 w/ 2.2v linked 1:1, nb 1.45, sb 1.25. Let's see how it goes.

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Room temp is around 21 degrees C, some days more some days less. That's with my Zalman 7500 tho, I'm getting my Xiggy sometime mid week and it should drop idle temps by a few degrees and load by 10ish. My vcore is low tho, about 1.32-1.34. What voltage are you running? You may have used too much thermal paste or installed the heatsink incorrectly. 42 doesn't sound right, that's just me though. Anyways, I tried 1.25 volts on the fsb and like I said earlier the thing just overheated and the whole screen blacked out. I'll try 1.2 volts keeping everything else the same. Anyone have other suggestions?

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Okay, I made a breakthrough just after the last post. I set OCCT to do a test for the cpu alone, and it passed for 1 hour. Then, I tested the RAM alone. After 12 seconds, it failed. So.... now I know what's holding me back. At 3.9ghz (1745 fsb) I am able to run 872.5mhz on the ram @2.2v with 4-4-4-12 timings no problem. So, what should I do about my RAM? It's OCZ Reaper 8500 (1066mhz) stock timings 5-5-5-15. I tried the 5-5-5-15 timings and they fail as well. What should I do from here?

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Okay, we're moving ahead here. I tried the loosest timings my BIOS had: 6-7-7-31. At 4ghz with ram @ 889mhz w/2.2, OCCT failed after 2 minutes 42 seconds. Considering before it wouldn't run for more than 15 seconds with the previous timings, I'd say this is a big improvement! Now I really need help guys! I'm not sure at all what I do next.

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Just screwed around for a bit. Now I jumped up my vcore to 1.386 load and kept all the other settings the same as last post. It's been running the OCCT ram test for just over 10 minutes and so far smooth sailing. Now that I seem to have found the problem of the low vcore and ram timing combinations, I need to start working on tightening my ram timing. So right now I'm at 6-7-7-31 (loosest bios timings). Where do I start guys? I need help :(

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