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system32\dt folder?


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I am currently looking at a system that has files in a sub-folder of system32, called 'dt' The full path is C:\windows\system32\dt\2007-03-18_14-45-10-1959387

The format would seem to be the time and date, followed by a serial number.


The files are all screenshots and each one has 2 identical shots with similar paths, but 1 file is preceeded by 'th_' the created times are identical. I have had a quick look around and it appears these may have been created by a worm or keylogger. Does anyone have any knowledge of this happening before and what the program/script maybe that creates them?


Many thanks.

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From what I could gather, it appears to be a key logger... apparently one that takes a screen shot every minute or so.


Look and see if C:\WINDOWS\system32\bpk.exe is running and kill it if you can. May want to try running SpyBot, MalwareBytes, or Ad-Aware and see if they will remove it.

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