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Forum Changes - 02/22/2009


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We have enabled several RSS feeds for the forums this morning (or evening, depending on where you are). The feeds should allow you to keep up with what's going on around the forums.


- OCC Forums: Recent Posts - A list of the 15 most recent 'new topics' across most of the OCC forums.

- OCC Forums: Recent Replies - A list of the 15 recently replied to topics across most of the OCC forums.

- OCC Forums: Hardware Discussions - A list of the 20 most recently active topics in the Hardware section of the forums.

- OCC Forums: OS and Software Discussion - A list of the 20 most recently active topics in the OS & Software section of the forums.

- OCC Forums: Gaming Discussion - A list of the 10 most recently active topics in the Gaming: PC & Gaming: Console forums.

- OCC Forums: News & Announcements - A list of the last 10 announcements made. i.e. This topic. :P


We will continue to monitor the usage of the feeds, as well as their impact on server load over the next few days and may make further adjustments to the feeds as needed. If you have any additional request for RSS feeds, let us know and we'll take it into consideration. :)




Some additional tweaks have also been made that should increase the speed in which the forums load. If anyone encounters issues with the forums, please let us know ASAP.

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Where are the links to these located? All I see in the RSS link section are the article and news feeds.

Doh! My bad...


For anyone else. There is an RSS icon in the bottom left section of the forums. You can click this to get the list of feeds. Additionally Firefox, Opera, and other modern 'RSS aware' web browsers will display an icon in the address bar that you can click on. :)

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Doh! My bad...


For anyone else. There is an RSS icon in the bottom left section of the forums. You can click this to get the list of feeds. Additionally Firefox, Opera, and other modern 'RSS aware' web browsers will display an icon in the address bar that you can click on. :)


Any way to change the text colour? black on dark blue isn't very readable :)

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