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Need Some Help


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Well, I've got the computer running that I recently made as a budget build. The graphics card is having some problems, so I'm just using integrated at the moment. Either way, I'm trying to go for an overclock on the processor, which is a AMD Athlon X2 5000+. Sadly, Prime95 is taking my clock into the grave. I've been able to make it for maybe ten or twenty minutes on load testing, with temps not going above 55C or so, but a worker ends up stopping.


My settings are:


HT Link Width: Auto

HT Link Frequency: Auto

CPU Clock Ratio: x13

CPU Frequency: 220

PCI-E Clock: 100MHz

DDR Memory Clock: DDR 800

DDR Timings: 5-5-5-12

DDR2 Voltage: 1.8V

CPU Voltage Control: 1.35V


Oddly, anything other than auto on the HT Link Frequency sets it at under 500MHz instead of the 1GHz that it should be, even when set at 1GHz. The memory has been ran through Memtest 86+ on all tests, and passed successfully. So it's not that, unless my timings are a bit to tight? But I'm doubting that. And with the settings above, Prime95 stops one or both of the workers after around five seconds.


Others have said that their AMD Athlon X2 5000+ could reach close to 3.0GHz on stock voltages, so hitting 2.86GHz shouldn't be such a boundary to cross over on a little over stock voltages I wouldn't think.


Any help on this one? Thanks everyone.

Edited by Ediseye

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What motherboard are you on? Try updating to the latest BIOS, if that's possible.


Drop your RAM to DDR 667. Your RAM is probably holding you back. Drop it to 6-6-6-18 @667 and see if you can get a few more MHz out of the CPU. Either that or you just have a bad, bad chip. Are you on stock cooling? Try getting a better cooler and seeing if you can keep temps below 50C; that'd probably help.


I don't see why you'd have trouble going past 2.8 GHz. My 5200+ hit 3.28 GHz easily at under 1.5V, with a sub-par cooler. Pretty sure either your motherboard or RAM are holding you back.

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The memory has been ran through Memtest 86+ on all tests, and passed successfully.


Can you elaborate on this? How long did you let it run?


Memtest is not a sure thing stability wise, meaning that in my experience you can pass memtest at noticeably higher speeds than are actually stable in windows using prime95 or similar

Edited by SpeedEuphoria

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Taking the memory down to 667 at timings of 6-6-6-18 seems to help, as Prime95 have been running for about an hour now without failing. The temps are feeling the hit though, as they are hovering just at 60C with the stock cooler and some unset AS5. I will probably look into buying a different heatsink, as this stock one doesn't seem to be cutting it for overclocking temps. Even on stock, the temperatures seemed a tad high. But right now, it's running at 2.86GHz with a 1.375 voltage count I believe.


Also, SpeedEuphoria, I ran the test on one stick, and it passes once on all tests. I then tested both sticks, with the same settings on all tests, and let it pass once. Other than letting it pass just once, I haven't testing the RAM that much.


Any idea how I'd be able to run DDR 800 instead of DDR 667 and still have stability? I already tried it with the loosest timing I can, but it seemed like a no go.


Just as a by the way, I'm using the GIGABYTE GA-MA74GM-S2 as my motherboard.

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Little update.


I got the clock speed up to a nice 3.12GHz, which is fine for me right now. Especially with stock cooling and where the Vcore is sitting, which is 1.35 in BIOS. I've now got the RAM at DDR 800, running at 5-5-5-12-24-2T. It seems like the Command Rate, when set as 1T, was causing my instability. But I'm not sure yet, as Prime95 has only been going for about an hour with the new settings. I'm hoping that it'll make it until morning. ^_^ Temps are hovering at 56C at the moment, and I have another fan pointing at the stock heatsink. I'm guessing temperatures would hit about 60C to possibly 63C inside of a case. Which I'm not really too happy about, lol.


But anyway, I just wanted to go ahead and let you guys know what was going on. I'll try to make another post sometime tomorrow or on Thursday at the latest.




Seems like one of the workers stopped on me. Bummer, lol. But I'm going to try to loosen the timings a bit and give it another go around.

Edited by Ediseye

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RAM gets touchy when you have multi-locked processors that you have to kick the bus speed up on. Sometimes, all it takes is slightly loosened RAM setitngs to get an extra 100-200 MHz.


I couldn't get past 3.1 GHz on my old Athlon x2 5200+. I boosted RAM voltage and dropped timings to 6-6-6-18-28 and was able to push it another 150 MHz stable.


Get a good heatsink and it'll help a lot. Chips like staying cool. Low temperatures help stability.

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