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Overclocking Ppd Gain


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Was thinking of overclocking my nvida 8800 ultra card but i'm alittle cautious since i only have stock cooling on it, and i don't really know much about overclocking. I was wondering what kind of ppd increase I might get out of overclocking it to its potential.

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You probably won't see enough gain to warrant the risk...


EDIT: I take that back. As long as your temps are kept cool, you can push it a ways. I was thinking along the lines of my 4870 that doesn't liked to be overclocked.

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You'll see a near-linear improvement in folding performance with the rise in clock speed, with only a small increase in heat (since you are not increasing the voltage, only the clock rate)


The G80 likes to be overclocked :) Just make sure it's stable by using 3DMark benchmarks, RTHDRIBL, and a bunch of high-end graphical games

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