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Question For Anyone Folding On Mac Os X


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I am folding on my iMac (current gen Intel C2D). It is setup using a preference pane, as you would know if you are doing it. I don't get the big WUs that put up big points. I figure it's because I don't have any flags like -advmethods or anything. Do you know where I would put those? Would it be in the "Extra parameters" field in the Advanced tab? How would I enter it, just like in the Windows console: -advmethods? I would run the console client which sets up just like the Windows one, but my wife and 7 yr old use this machine also and I wouldn't want it to confuse them or mess it up. We are new to Mac and got the iMac because we do so much with photo, video editing and other multimedia apps that Macs are perfect for. Can anyone give me a hand?

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Why don't you just run it in a VM?

I guess I could do that, I have VMware Fusion 2.0. The funny thing is that I have had WinXP Pro blue screen in a VM! When MS does something, they make sure to go all the way!


EDIT: Kash and d3, I hope that you got my messages that Comcast kept teling me that the PMs weren't going through. Sorry about that!

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Only downside is that VMs take a lot of resources. I did a Google search and found tons of info on the console version, nothing on the GUI

Can you give me some links to the console? I wouldn't even really know how to use a console on Mac OS.

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I run the F@H console client on my system. The F@H console on Mac is basically the same as console on Win\Linux.


1) Just extract the folder someplace... I put mine in /Users/Shared/fah


2) I'd suggest renaming the executable file to something shorter... I called mine fah6


3) Open up Terminal (I just type it into spotlight). When the terminal window opens, change to the directory you have it in... cd /Users/Shared/fah from my example above.


4) Then start the client up... type ./fah6 -smp -local -verbosity 9 into the terminal window. And off it should go.

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I run the F@H console client on my system. The F@H console on Mac is basically the same as console on Win\Linux.


1) Just extract the folder someplace... I put mine in /Users/Shared/fah


2) I'd suggest renaming the executable file to something shorter... I called mine fah6


3) Open up Terminal (I just type it into spotlight). When the terminal window opens, change to the directory you have it in... cd /Users/Shared/fah from my example above.


4) Then start the client up... type ./fah6 -smp -local -verbosity 9 into the terminal window. And off it should go.

Have you saved that terminal script as an Automator app so that it can run at startup? Also, does it run when that account is not logged on?

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Hadn't really thought about automating it... I never shut down my Mac, and on the rare occasions it gets powered off, I just start console up first thing and execute a script that basically just changes to the directory and starts F@H.


I have user switching enabled so the wife can access iTunes and stuff on her own profile and F@H stays running when she has switched over... though if she were to log me out, it'd kill F@H.

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Which WUs are you mostly seeing? Which client are you running? Console or the universal installer?

I prefer the universal installer version since I don't really know how to use the terminal window plus the client automatically starts up when the iMac is turned on.


Majority of the time I get the 1920 pt WUs but I've also seen the 3440 pt WUs a couple times.


Have you checked out the Mac SMP Guide? http://folding.stanford.edu/English/MacSMPGuide

If you don't know how to use the terminal window I suggest you use the universal version.

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