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Ocing I7


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Well after trying yet another evening of test I think this is the best i am getting ..


this is running torture test in-place large FFTs Prim95




I do still have some work to do on these Memory timings and i am wondering if it couldbe the final thing holding me back with the differant role it plays in the nehalem architecture .. still need to research that but might settle for current CPU for now unless sombody post a olution for 4GHz .. I would luv to hit that 4 .. i know it is just a number ..

I am still considering water but :/ spent so much already .. will try a bit more but 3.9 is not bad on air ..It does help to have this antec1200 and push pull noctua.. post any screen shots you may have that might help and thanks.

Edited by t12am

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Well after trying yet another evening of test I think this is the best i am getting ..


this is running torture test in-place large FFTs Prim95




I do still have some work to do on these Memory timings and i am wondering if it couldbe the final thing holding me back with the differant role it plays in the nehalem architecture .. still need to research that but might settle for current CPU for now unless sombody post a olution for 4GHz .. I would luv to hit that 4 .. i know it is just a number ..

I am still considering water but :/ spent so much already .. will try a bit more but 3.9 is not bad on air ..It does help to have this antec1200 and push pull noctua.. post any screen shots you may have that might help and thanks.



When OC'ing a i7 you should have your memory multiplyer at it's minimum value (6 if I recall) till you find the best stable OC, then work on memory speed/timings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man! What's up?


My 920 is from the same batch.


Anyway's, I hope I can OC to 4.2 and not experience the issues you are trying to resolve. But chances are...


I am currently at 3770.59MHz (Stable, 12 hours P95) and my max temps are ~70C.


I don't want to go past 80 so I doubt I will be obtaining that 4.2 mark, which BTW, at that particular QPI of 200, my RAM will be running at its rated spec of 1600MHz. QPI=160 will also give me 1600 but then I won't be overclocked.


Ehhhh wel...


Happy OC'ing!

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