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A Sli Question


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Hello there!


I am setting up SLI on my gaming rig today. :D


I have two(2) 9800gtx+.


I researching about SLI config. before i messing around with it, then i found about.. SLI offers two rendering and one anti-aliasing method for splitting the work between the video cards.


Which are.. : Split Frame Rendering, Alternate Frame Rendering, SLI Antialiasing.


Which config set up would be best for my "Gaming Rig"??


++look at my sig for my build info.++


It would be great if you tell me the reasons too!

Example: Split frame rendering would be the best because... so and so..


Thank you for reading!!

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The nvidia drivers come with profiles for most games, these profiles set the cards up to the best SLI mode automatically when you launch the game


In the rare event that a game does not have a profile (either it's old, rare, or really new), you can make your own profile... I tend to find AFR2 works better when setting one manually, but it's often better to find out the 3D game engine that the game uses, and then make the profile-less game use the same profile as a listed game that shares the same game engine


short answer: let the drivers decide the SLI mode for the best performance

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The nvidia drivers come with profiles for most games, these profiles set the cards up to the best SLI mode automatically when you launch the game


In the rare event that a game does not have a profile (either it's old, rare, or really new), you can make your own profile... I tend to find AFR2 works better when setting one manually, but it's often better to find out the 3D game engine that the game uses, and then make the profile-less game use the same profile as a listed game that shares the same game engine


short answer: let the drivers decide the SLI mode for the best performance


Thanks i guess ill let the driver decide then by setting it to "nvidia recommended"

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