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Question About Combining Memory...

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When I started collecting new parts for my new build I bought 2 gigs of Corsair Dominator 1800 DDR3 memory for $380.00 new. I was going to run XP home but bought Vista Ultimate and wanted to run 64 bit with 4 gig of ram so I tried to sell the Dominator memory with the fans for 2 months to no avail. (even though I dropped the price from $380.00 plus shipping to $260.00 with free shipping!)


I don't want to give it away and I can use the fans on my air cooled system so I'm thinking of running both sets of Ram for a total of 6 gigs. I probably will overclock some, maybe to 1600.


Any thoughts or issues come to mind from you guys? I would appreciate any suggestions. The new system is in my signature.



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As long as the voltage requirements are close on both you shouldn't have too much trouble running mixed sticks at the speed of the slowest set.


Thank you for the reply! The timings and voltages should be compatible I think. I'm not going crazy with the overclocking but it would be nice to play with it to see what I can get out of the system with stable settings.


I'm new to the overclocking stuff but I'm always up for a challenge!


What do you think about my new system overall? Any thoughts or suggestions?


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