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Im new to overclocking and ive been messing around with different settings, but i can't get my cpu past 2.6 gHz. Heres the specs:


Cpu Frequency: 240

Cpu Multiplyer: 11

AMD Athlon X2 4200+

Asus M2N Sli


Im using the stock cooler at the moment (just bought an AC cooler) but temperatures arent the problem.


Whenever i boot, i get a BSOD. Anyone know what i could be doing wrong?



EDIT: I reset the bios to default, and started again. But this time, i changed the multiplyer down to 10x and the frequency to 235. When i ran PCMark05, it crashed after 2 or 3 tests. Ive been getting quite a few crashing programs aswell, and i just had an error message that Host Processes for Windows Services had crashed, and my pc rebooted. So ive set everything back to default for now.

Edited by simonMEGALOLZ

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might want to look into raising that up a little bit, but keep an eye on the temps and dont go above 1.5v on the cpu. And this is as far as my knowledge will take you lol. I would wait for some more experienced people to comment.

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you may want to try running a memory divider, like 5:4 or 3:2. The divider will scale the fsb down for the mem, and then you will know if its the mem or the cpu that is at its limit.

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Most geeks will tell you that you dont want to OC both the ram and the cpu at the same time. Too many variables to keep track of and too many things to go wrong. Using dividers, keep your ram at stock settings and work on your cpu first. If your MOBO has adjustable Ram settings, keep them ""Loose"",, no tight timings. Next, try raising your FSB with stock voltage settings for your cpu at the same time trying to keep your Ram close to stock settings. When you reach your threshold, and your cpu will not run with stock voltage, try raising it in modest increments until you are up and running again. Eventually you will reach your Mobo's fsb limits. You dont need to run there but its nice to know where that limit is. Next you can back off your fsb and raise your cpu multiplier to get then next higher frequency threshold, then you can start raising your fsb again until your voltage limits area again reached. Work within these guides until you reach your goal or as far as close as you can get. This doesnt mean that your rig is going to run everything, you still should use some of the more popular stress tests available to see if it can pass them, its all freeware. Im giving this advice on the assumtion that you have studied around a bit and know a little something about what you are doing. If not there are some very good "sticky" posts around the web, including this sight that will give you the basic OC format 101. Also as you raise your cpu performance you are most likely putting more stress on your MOBO as well. If you encounter problems in that area you might consider bumping the mobo voltage a notch or two as well to maintain stability. Anyway the door is open now, and you should have a few more guys jumping in now not only to help but to critique my advice to you haha. My guidlines are very thin and dont tell you everything that could go wrong nor are they complete as to everything you could do. Anyway you should get a bunch more posts.

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