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Best Choice Of Motherboard


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I plan on building a system around a highly overclocked AMD 5400+ Black Edition built inside an ANTEC 1200. I will be running Win Vista Premium. I am seeking advice on the motherboard to use. I am looking for a mid priced board that facilitates overclocking and has 4 Memory DIMM slots. I am new to overclocking and therefore would like a board with a BIOS that is easy to manipulate. I also may want to upgrade to a Quad Processor in the future if I can use the same board, that would be helpful.

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Wait, do you know for sure that, that CPU is highly overclockable? I have heard that those AMD CPU's aren't very overclockable.

If you want to overclock you should rather go with intel(E7200) and a P45. That would be the best considering both are pretty cheap.

E7200/E7300 on newegg are $120, and P45's are around $140 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130184 )


With an aftermarket cooler you could get that CPU to at least 3.6ghz, probably around 4ghz though.

Edited by Darkfuneral1337

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Yes, I am going to use the AMD 5400+ and it is a Black Edition so it will be easier to overclock with the unlocked multiplier. What I need is recommendations for the right motherboard...


Ive heard even the Black Editions don't overclock to high, good luck though.

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Ive heard even the Black Editions don't overclock to high, good luck though.


I am doing this as self training. It doesn't matter how much I can overclock this CPU just that I can do it. When it is all said and done I hope to have enough experience to build a high end system that ROCKS. For right now I am going with some items I already have, just need a motherboard.

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I am doing this as self training. It doesn't matter how much I can overclock this CPU just that I can do it. When it is all said and done I hope to have enough experience to build a high end system that ROCKS. For right now I am going with some items I already have, just need a motherboard.



Just so you know this is in the wrong area, it should be in the "Processors, Motherboard and Memory" area.

Since your looking for a motherboard not for help on overclocking.

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I haven't done alot of overclocking of AMD's but I got my brother's 5200+ to 3.1ghz(24hr stable) on a sub 100$ motherboard, with a nice motherboard you could probably get a decent overclock from the 5400+...I've heard good things about 790gx/790fx boards.

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The problem with the 790GX series is they have intergrated graphics, which might be hard to turn off.

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The problem with the 790GX series is they have intergrated graphics, which might be hard to turn off.

How is it hard? you just have to disable the integrated graphics if you were to add a video card, that's basically it.

Edited by damian

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Guest ajmatson

The 790GX series right now is the best board for you. It has high potential and is the board I used at AMD this past week while testing the new Phenom II CPU's. It is a very stable chipset. I for one prefer the Foxconn or Gigabyte flavors. :)

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How is it hard? you just have to disable the integrated graphics if you were to add a video card, that's basically it.



I dont know just thought some motherboards bios might be bad, and then it could be hard. Not an expert on this topic though, sorry if I'm mistaken

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