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399 Fsb Wall? What Next


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sounds like too low of chipset voltage, and the strap is changing on the chipset as well. thats why the 15mhz jump works and the 1mhz jump fails.





thats what i am thinking. I mean, 400 was just nothing. No anything. Even with higher voltage it was like not having a cpu in the board. And I guess getting the FSB up to 399 and the chip to almost 3.2GHz on stock voltage was nice. Asking for more is greedy.

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did you boost stock voltage on the cpu or on the north bridge?


i'd try 1.4v on the cpu, 1.45v north and see if 420 works :thumbs-up:, also how are the temperatures looking under load?


Temps were ok, I got it up to 3.3+GHz and load temps were at 52/53. I actually got the computer too boot at 3.4GHz, but it was shaky (the ram was just very unhappy, and fair enough, it was working way over its head).


I turned it back down to a 399FSB which gets me 3.19GHz and only 1 notch about stock voltage, and its stable (8 hour orthos, which is enough for me).


I think I will stay here until I get higher rated Ram.



Thanks for the help.

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