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Maximum Overclocks Achieved Using A Q6600 G0


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I have mine at 3.2 w/ the vcore at 1.35. I can do 3.6 stable at 1.4 volts but I don't like running it that hot when I'm running extended loads (it hits high 60s).

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I have mine at 3.2 w/ the vcore at 1.35. I can do 3.6 stable at 1.4 volts but I don't like running it that hot when I'm running extended loads (it hits high 60s).


Speaking of high temps, the funniest thing I could have done when I first installed the Q6600 was mate the CoolIT Eliminator to it.


High 80's under load @ stock. :unsure:

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Got mine up to 3.87 @ 1.512v 24/7 stable, pretty sure I could have done 4.2 but never bothered being the board I had died. <_<


Dude what temps do u get under load with that overclock.......and do u think my 650i board can do 3.6?

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Dude what temps do u get under load with that overclock.......and do u think my 650i board can do 3.6?


I still have the link for the review I did on a site me and a few friends were trying to/still trying to get started...




Shameless advertisement? Absolutely not.


Could it hurt? Again, absolutely not. :lol:

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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