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What Race Issue?


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Seems rather dubious without actual verification of the numbers.


Edit: Been doing a little digging on that, and not surprisingly, the first thing I came upon was Rush Limbaugh calling Obama half Arab :lol:


Did some more research and found that it was claimed by a guy named Kenneth E. Lamb. However, I can't seem to find any sort of evidence on his part that backs up his claims. For as much as I can tell, it's nothing more than a false claim.


Even if the claims did turn out to be true, who really cares? It's not like he's going to turn into a terrorist enabler once in office. Let's focus on the issues, not trivialities like these. The same should go for the other side, there are plenty of policy positions McCain and Palin hold that we don't need to knock them on the knucklehead stuff.

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Call me silly but I see about 3x the racial tolerance in White Americans than in Black Americans.




omg apparently you've never talked to a white guy in project housing section lolol

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