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Low Tech Cooling


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I used a big box fan and open case when I was doing my 9800pro ORB runs. Not something for everyday use though, as the EMI may begin to be a problem - those motos are huge, unshielded magnets.


I keep a 92mm delta pointed at the northbridge of my maximus formula 24/7, because it gets very hot when running at 4.2ghz. A nice cool NB is the key to high overclocks on an intel system. The heatsink went from hot to the touch to just warm and all it took was a little bit of airflow.

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you're right sir,... it is an eyesore of sorts and causes noise polution...my right brain says "functional" and the left screams "is that the best you can do ?" ....you've struck at the very heart of what this thread is intended to accomplish. it seems like there are among us, some of the most gifted and innovative human beings on the planet, and i don't mind picking their brains a bit...btw i stopped in at the local store today and bought 2 - 120s to try and incorporate into this case cover thanks to the ghetto mod guy ....and see how it goes....






Having a big fan smacking the motherboard is indeed the best way to cool it. Forgetting airflow and replacing it with brute force does work like a charm. On the downside though its damn right ugly and produces an Ewww! from people instead of a wow! lol. I think we are looking for the prettiest solution instead of the most effective. Then you have the question of "how much noise can you stand coming from your PC". So then there are those that sacrifice a few degree's here and there for the sake of low noise. I suppose it comes down to personal choice, but I for one love to see wacky inventions/mods by people in the name of cooling, it all makes for very interesting reading. Keep on trucking is what I say

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