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New Cooling For And Hd4850


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the xml hack is super easy-


1. In Catalyst Control Centre, make sure clock and memory settings are correct and turn on Overdrive

2. Create a Catalyst Control Centre profile called "fanspeed"

3. Navigate to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\ and you'll find an XML file titled "fanspeed", open the file in Notepad or your preferred editor. The file should resemble the following:


<Feature name="FanSpeedAlgorithm_0">

<Property name="FanSpeedAlgorithm" value="Manual" />


<Feature name="FanSpeedRPMTarget_0">

<Property name="Want" value="0" />


<Feature name="FanSpeedPercentTarget_0">

<Property name="Want" value="65" />

4. As shown above, change the "FanSpeedAlgorithm" value to Manual and the "FanSpeedPercentTarget" value to 65 (or your preferred fan speed in percentage)

5. Save the file and reload the "fanspeed" profile in Catalyst Control Centre.


This is for a vista install-xp file location is a little different.


Thanks. I will do that tonight. I do not like it running so hot.

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