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Extra Rad and Block how to integrate?


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I just received these parts on a in trade deal:

- Swiftech MCR120 Radiator (+1x120mm QuietFan);

- Enzotech SNBW-SLI Northbridge Block.


I have an Asetek Watercooling kit (2x120mm Radiator size) to supply my Q6600 (Apogee GT).

Pump: Hydor L30-II 1200 l/h.


As I don't have intention on selling these parts I want to integrate them on my current system: DFI LP X38-TR2.


My question is: what is the best way to include those on my current loop to minimize the CPU and NB temperatures?


Like: CPU>Big Rad>NB>Small Rad etc? or traditional CPU>NB>Small Rad>Big Rad etc?

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loop order isn't extremely critical; and the 240mm RAD is plenty for CPU + NB cooling. I think I'd just install the NB block between the CPU and the RAD and be done with it.


Thanks for your swift reply Rado you are always the man to talk with cooling questions.


Well I know now that it wouldn't make a lot of difference but for me (extreme Ocier) 1oC drop would be nice also.


So it really wouldn't bother if the HOT hose from the CPU would go in the small rad with 120mm fan and then enter on North Bridge block instead of going directly into the NB block and then going to the Rads?


I'm no good with watercooling but that doesn't make sense to me in terms on Thermo-Physic.


Appreciate your inputs.

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I don't think the difference would be all that noticeable. Now going straight from the CPU to the NB might be quite a twist in the tubing though, so you may include the small rad in between just to make that easier, assuming you have the room of course.


Remember, the water is flowing pretty fast so isn't really warming up all that much by the time it gets past the CPU and to the NB.

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If you have the NB after the CPU and just the 240mm RAD you should be fine; the 240mm is plenty to handle the heat. Also, 1C more or less won't affect the NB nearly as much as it could the CPU; so it's not absolutely necessary to put the 120mm rad in there.


FYI, My loop order for RAD-GT is Pump --> CPU --> SB --> NB --> 360mm RAD 1 --> GPU 1 --> GPU 2 --> 360mm RAD 2 --> T-Line -->pump



Edit: Ditto what Dan said

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Forgot to ask, in that double loop what's the best cpu block for me (did some research and some say Apogee GT is better then Fuzion, others say Fuzion way better then all, Supreme should be top but then restrictive, dunno if that would affect me in a double loop, so I'm kinda confused:


- Current setup (keep my Apogee GT hard mounted always leaves spaces on corners without contact no matter how I mount it (or springs);


- dTek Fuzion;


- Enzotech;



- EK Supreme

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The Apogee GT is a very good block, but the Fuzion is the best on the market.


The truth of the matter is that in real-world performance (i.e. system stability/overclockability) the difference between those to blocks is minimal (temp difference of <1C)

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