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My GF cheated one me.......


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Guest SuppA-SnipA

bravo A_G :), and schoolslave, dont worry about it, plenty of fish out there, i'm now talking to 2 girls at the same time, oh who to choose ? :D

best way to forget about her, in my opinion, is to dont even think about her, u hear her name mentioned, u ask urself "who's that?" and finally play a game or two, it'll pass the time

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Thanks A_G. Your rant describes very clearly what I feel like and I appreciate you taking the time to write it up.:)

I know life will go on, and seriously, there's like 3 other girls waiting in line.lol. I just don't want to start another relationship any time soon. The reason this bothers me so much is that this relationship with her was not just . and stuff, but also talking and respecting each other (so much for respect now..HA!).

And I don't mind being called young and somewhat ignorant, because it is true and there's probably still TONS for me to experience and learn (especially by growing up and listening to older people).



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I usually wouldn't post something like this, but I think that the people on this forum are mature enough to understand and not act like a bunch of 8-year olds.

Simply put my gf cheated on me........it all started a few months back when she had this strange personality change. Before, she was nice and, well she was the perfect girlfriend. This relationship started about 1 1/2 years ago. Then, suddenly, she wanted to go on a break for no reason (literally no reason, none of her friends knew why). I should have know then. Well, we take a break, I start talking to other girls and she gets pissed off, and I just said that we're on a break and I can do what I want. A few weeks go by and she gets to be like she was before, she's nice and loving and all the other stuff.

Now, today one of her best friends tells me she cheated on me with one of her old friends while we were on a break. I was like WTF!!! When I confronted her about it she denied it, but when she later called me she said it was true. Now she acts like nothing ever happened and that she loves me and blah. What the xxxx??!! Right now I am about ready to blow Rob's (thats the little jerk) xxxxing face off....!!!!!!!


What does this teach me?


To never again commit my time/money/thoughts to a xxxxing relationship/girl.

I am done with this bull crap.

One-night-stands FTW!(lol)



Why am I even posting this???






Pissed off/disappointed,






And why are you mad...?


If it was during the break then thats what the break was for....


People do things and say differently to protect themselves as well as the other person byt either...avoiding confrontation or just not wanting to hurt the other persons feelings....


let me spell this out for you and all you other wankers....When a person tells you they need a break it means they have interest elswhere....by doing this they are in their own mind freeing themselves to venture out to find something else....if it doesnt work out then YOU are the fallback person....


You have become the relationship Security Blanket....


Dont feel like you're the only one this ever happens to...it happens to darn near everyone and will probably happen again....


this isnt a bad thing in a relationship...it's definitely a learning step and as long as you understand that you will grow wiser with each relationship you have...


if you dont, my friend you will be a glutten for punishment until you do...


My best advice is cut ties and move on...if you dont everytime you get upset at her this will come out and bad things can happen...


otherwise admit you're being a duffus for blaming her for something she did on a relationship break....


Next time in your relationships when a person ask for a break just let them know....sure...but it's a permanent break....


because you should understand if they want a break then that should be telling you they dont want the relationship unless it's at their convenience.


and no I didnt not get this way from watching Dr. Phil....;)


EDIT: Dang I swear I didnt see A_G posted this long_add winded rant...sweet gonna go read it now...;)




Hey, that's part of dating. Almost everyone dates someone they regret, just take it as a growing and learning experience. Oh, the guy always wants to fark...she agreed to it.


True guys are easy....all you have to do is show up...! well it always takes 2...!!!!!! (


it's important that you go trough these things in a relationship as if you dont you end up taking a good mate for granted...you will NOT know how to treat the good ones until you have been treated bad and decide "I dont want to be treated like this so I wont do it to others"

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It would have been fine, but she was being nice to me and acting like we were not even on a break. And then she denied it at first and apparently now she's crying her eyes out. wth.........

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And I don't mind being called young and somewhat ignorant, because it is true and there's probably still TONS for me to experience and learn (especially by growing up and listening to older people).




This part never ends. If you ever meet someone that says they know it all, they are wrong. We all still have SOMETHING to learn. The important part is how well we learn our lessons.


Like Algebra.

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It would have been fine, but she was being nice to me and acting like we were not even on a break. And then she denied it at first and apparently now she's crying her eyes out. wth.........



best advice is dont fight and dont try to reason about what happened...just let her know once the trust was busted you cannot move forward...some can some cant...just decide exactly what you want to do and do it...do not ponder on it stick to your guns...


if you dont it's gonna be another long winded thread about what happens when you fall under pressure and live it out...


I am in the same boat as A_G being close in age and having been divorced but being in a different kind of relationship thats troublesome at times...;)

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Very sorry to hear about that School Slave. All i can think about is that friends episode where ross and rachel were on a break. (not sure why someone would ever cheat on her but anywho)


In time this wound will heal and your life will go on. And you will find someone that will appreciate the time you spend with her and dare i say it, love you for who you are.


Take er easy buddy.

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Seriously, don't go back to her. She'll probably do the same . and make up the same retarded excuses. Go get yourself a new gal, you'll find a decent one eventually.


Yup. I'm pretty much done with her.

Goddammit, no computer here when you need one....lol.

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First of all, I want to say that I feel part of your pain Chris. My girlfriend and I just broke up after being together for five years. I'm still young in a not 35 kinda way, but I've been down this road before, and this was the most painful.


My situation is different in that I didn't experience the anger. We basically came to terms with the fact that we are going in separate directions at this point in our lives. My priorities are getting closer to settling down, preparing to buy a house with bedrooms for future kids, etc. Her's are going out, partying, clubs, whatever. So, we're done.


While this is maybe the loneliest I've ever been in my life, I understand that this is for the best. There's nothing wrong with talking yourself through the pain, anger, and loneliness. Remind yourself that you will find someone else, and keep your friends (your true friends) close.


Above all, remove her, her friends, and the dude she shagged from your myspace friends. Checking up on her page and theirs will lead to serious psyche issues for you. It's better if you get yourself in a good place in terms of your feelings about the situation, and forget about it. Move on, and take care of yourself and your school.

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