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2 chipset blocks bad?


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I was wondering if two chipset blocks would worsen the overall performance of a water cooling loop.


The loop would contain these:


D-tek fuzion

2x maze5 (for 2 8800gt)

2x those EK blocks for the evga 680 motherboards

res (would a t-line with a fillport be a better idea here?)



Bad idea to use the two chipset blocks?

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That pump should work fine, they seem to be really strong.


As for the fillport/reservoir choice, I don't think there's certain situations that favor one method over another. I've only done a fillport setup, and other than being a bit tedious to fill/bleed an empty system, they're pretty neat.

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Would an mcp655 suffice?


And would the fillport + t-line be better suited for this than the res?


That is what I have (the Danger Den D5, same pump) CPU, GPU, MB and SB through a 360 radiator. Seems to be plugging along just fine. I have the fixed speed version, not the adjustable. Those seem to be out of stock everywhere.


Fillport w/t-line or res (or res, t-line and fillport) is a matter of preference. I went with a tine, I didn't like the idea of trusting things to a possibly leak prone res. a T- line seems safer to me.

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YA like everone says that pump will work great. As for cooling bolth chipsets I don't see why not. I see people that cool them bolth all the time. I have my NB cooled and I noticed a world of difference.


I like my reservoir & would not use anything else but it is really your choise.


What readitor are you using by the way ??


Also with the D-tek fuzion CPU are you going to bow it & use the D-Tek FuZion Accelerator Nozzle Kit ???

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