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G-force Fx5600

core overload

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Hi, ive got a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 graphics card, when i do the 3D mark 03 benchmark it says my card is running:

VGA Memory Clock =103.5 mhz

VGA Core Clock = 50.1 mhz

and i get a score of 2395

is this right and shouldnt these clock speeds be higher ?


my full system spec:


Intel Pentium 4 2.8 ghz 800 mhz FSB

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 Graphics

Gigabyte 8IPE1000 motherboard

512 MB DDR Ram

Direct X Version 9.0b


Any help would be appreciated !


Edited by core overload

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That score looks like its in the right range...just the clocks are off. I'd say it's just an error in how the program reads the clocks. For a comparison, 3dmark and other utilities of that sort would read my old K7S5A's fsb as 66mhz no matter what.

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they say there tweaker only supports


Radeon 7000/7200/7500/AIW 7500/7800

Radeon 8500(LE/LELE)/8500DV/8500eXP/8800

Radeon 9xxx series

Mobility Radeon series


I have a Nvidia G-Force FX 5600


unless you can provide a direct link to there download for the tweaker for this card ??

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Go for either NV hardpage or the GeForce twak utility, that score looks a little low to me but I cant be sure becasue I've never owned one, look for a test/review on the same make, then compare it with your score.


btw the 5600 has a 325 MHz Core clock and 550MHz memory


(It actually depends on the make of your card what speed it is)



Nvidia tweakers

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