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CFX3200-M2/G owners

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I've been doing some research about this MB even after all of the problems I've had with the CFX-3200-DR/G. For those that have this MB, as rare as it seems to be, what has been your experience with it so far, good & bad?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have done the journey over from the CFX3200 - its been worth it. My first board (975) has a problem with the CPU socket, so am waiting to RMA it, still no word from DFI after 6 days so I'll chase that up. But when I got one that worked its great - get some good-ish memory, I get problems above 380FSB getting it to POST, sure its the memory thats holding me back, also CPU wise go no lower than an E6400 with this board - the E6600 is the sweet spot.


Performance wise its laughing at my Opty 170 (2.6Ghz) that was in the CFX3200 and thats at my current 2.8Ghz. There is loads of guides to use with this board too, I find also you can crank more speed out of this with memset and clockgen in windows. I boot mine at 2.5Ghz then use clockgen the rest of the way as I can tweak more memory options and it easily runs 24/7 at 400FSB


Also there is no HDD errors, and also there is NO HDD Errors - technically thats one point but its such an important point for CFX3200 owners its worth mentioning twice.

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  • 3 months later...

All in all the board has worked close to perfectly for me now for about 6 months. I am very happy with my desicion to purchase it. There is only one thing I can say that seems a bit quirky. Every once in a great while, say ever 100th boot, the system will not boot at all. It only happens on power on and only when the system is cold. It really is no big deal as pushing the reset button does the trick but it never ceases to raise the hairs on the back of my neck nonetheless. Call me squeemish if you wish something about hitting the power switch and not hearing a beep makes me squirm :rolleyes:

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I decided to go with an Abit AM2 board after DFI customer support was non-existent with a 939 board in warranty. I can't remember how many emails I sent them, but I can tell you zero were replied to. If you ever have a problem, just throw the board in the trash. It'll save you a lot of time.

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