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Memory timings holding my clock back?

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I'm getting the itch to push my overclock higher but I don't want to just throw more volts at the cpu (1.67v@2952MHz) it seem to me thats already high for the overclock but temps are all good and system is stable cpu can reach 47c during prime a few less when gaming and idle temps less than 30c. Memtest 8hr no errors but I believe some tweaking of secondary settings might yield a higher clock I'm posting my bios settings any help greatly appreciated.



FSB Bus Frequency............................. - 246

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - 4.0

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - 12

PCI eXpress Frequency......................... - 100Mhz

CPU VID StartUp Value......................... - Startup

CPU VID Control............................... - 1.525v

CPU VID Special Control....................... - 109.6

LDT Voltage Control........................... - 1.30v

Chip Set Voltage Control...................... - 1.52v

DRAM Voltage Control.......................... - 2.80v[/color]

DRAM Frequency Set............................ - 200=RAM/FSB:01/01

Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - Auto

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - 3.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - 04

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - 08

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - 03

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 07 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled

DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - Auto

Max Async Latency............................. - 08.0

DRAM Response Time............................ - fast

Read Preamble Time............................ - 06.0

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 06 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(Bursts)




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Yes, at your current speeds you would want to keep a LDT of 4. You will probably never even need to lower it to three with a x12 multi. Have you tried just increasing the FSB by 4 mhz and see if it will run orthos?


Edit: Or even just increasing it by 1 mhz at a time to see how far you can get.

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True but I should have been great with 4 and the ocdb I found had 3 with not 1:1 and looser timing. I'm not smart enough to know why, I just followed it and it worked.


If I were smarter, I may have thought that with 3 and 9/10 I had more latitude with multiple and FSB but now I'm getting beyond myself.


You have a great OC by the way. Are you stable? You are so close to that magic 3 gig I can see why you want it (just for fun).

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I've not tried Orthos but I know just 1 MHz increase FSB and Prime will fail after 3-4 hours..my last increase in volts from 1.65 to 1.67 allowed 2MHz more FSB and know change in temps... so increases in voltage so far have allowed small gains...

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Orthos and prime are basically the same thing. But if it fails after 3-4 hours I would think that it failed because of not enough voltage. I really doubt it is your timings stopping you from going further. And increasing the voltage any more would be a decision you would have to make seeing as how you voltage is already kinda high. Even with good temps too much voltage can kill a cpu.

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