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RMA issue - Ultra D 939 need advice

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hi - i been having a strange problem lately and it started when i tried to add a few fans i had on my MB to my psu -

maybe i had too much on one rail - dont know - it wouldnt boot and no power it seemed - so i rewired it different and kept the fans on the MB header back to the way it was -


but still have this booting problem - and sometimes just shuts down - but the fans are running and lights etc. but black screen and power light and HD light on with 4 red leds on the board steady on - no beeps - i have to shut it down - turn off psu - clear cmos - sometimes i have to reset it many times - then i get the checksum error - sometimes i dont -


now i have a RMA on the psu - going back tomorrow -


but i am not sure if the board is the problem or both board and psu - i was giving a RMA form from DFI today -

but now i am worried because i changed the chipset fan from the orignal to the HR-05 SLI -- i dont know if i even have the origanl DFI chip fan :( --


would this matter if i send the board back to DFI without the chip fan ? should i fill out the form and fax it to them and see if its under Warranty ? it will be a year in march 2007 --


i cant figure out whats wrong with my system - i reinstalled windows because it got corrupted - i checked HD with diag. tools and it fixed a few things - i though it was fixed - then it happened again - froze and wont reboot -- i was using nero at the time - but the day before i used it all day at 2.7 OC and nero most of the day and nothing happened - i ran memtest for 2 hours just to be sure - was good - i ran a few 2Dmark 03 and 05 to check the video card - it ran fine - i even ran prime for a hour at 2.7 just to do a fast check - temps are good now with a fan i put on the chipset HR-05 Sli - and i got a spot fan for the board -


my question is - would DFI take the board back under RMA with out the chipset fan if i cant find it ?


and if anyone has any ideas to my problems -


or should i wait to send the board till i get the new psu even if DFI would take the board back with out the chipset fan in place


thanks - let me know something soon --

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Odds are they won't accept the board RMA without the original chipsink. If it was a fan and you replaced it with a better one you might be able to say the old fan failed and you replaced it, btu not if it was just a heatsink. I would wait and see if the replacement PSU fixes your problem as the problems you described definately sound PSU related.

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thanks - if i find the orginal fan and put it back on the board - would that be ok if the new psu dosnt fix the problem - i may have it - just have to look around - its very weird because everything was working fine till i wanted to add a spot fan - but before i added that - i wanted to run two fans i had on the board right the psu and thats when it started - i figured i had too much on one rail how would i know which 12v rail i am using - i havnt a clue - so i tried to break them up - not too many fans on one line - and then it worked - but since then - i couldnt get it to stay on - i though maybe the battery- which i was going to change tomorrow - but i called to rma the psu so i change it when i get the new one back just to be sure - do you think its a corrupt bios now ?


how long is the warranty for the ultra Board ? in march 13 2006 - its a year i have it -


i believed this psu was ok since i am not running SLI

it was recommended higher on the list when i checked i think last year - now i see its not on the high part of the list - i am stuck with it now - hopefully the new one works better -


do you think from what i have in my system - this psu is strong enough to run everything ?


the fans i have draw about 0.48A each - maybe 3 watts or 4 - they are TT smart case fans with control - D5 pump - cd/dvd combo - Dvd drive - two hard drives - one external firewire drive - spot fan and another fan on the HR-05 Sli which didnt cool really good for me untill i added a 80mm fan and then it dropped down almost 10c -

total case fans are 5 TT ones - 3 120mm 2 92mm -- one 80mm inside for the chip and one spot fan which works good for the board - dropped it down about 8c easily -


before this case - i had a different case with about 10 fans before i went to WC and i didnt have a problem till now


its driving me crazy -

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Did you use silver based thermal paste on the chipset?


It must only make contact with the core.


Also the heatsink you place on the chipset must not touch any of the small bridges/resistors on the chipset. That is why the original fan had thermal tape on it around the edges.


When clearing the CMOS wait 10 minutes.

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hi - it happened again yesterday - just stopped - black screen - 4 leds on board - fans running and lights but nothing else - i powered down - reset for 20 mins -

then got it going again - and used it all night and even ran prime for a hour at my max OC 2.750 - while burning a DVD and everything was fine - i didnt use AS5 on the chip

i used the other one - Cerqimux something like that - with HR-05 SLI and put a 80mm fan on it - that keeps it cool

i have a spot fan for the board which helps - but at full load at my max OC - it gets to about 58C -- but at 2.7 full - its stills around 51C 52c -- so i really dont know what the problem is - or problems now - i sent the psu back today - i see how it runs when i get a new one back -


is there any programs that i can run to test my video card ? and any to test the Board


i belieave i have the orginal chip if i need it - but i want to see if the psu fixes the problem --


any other advice would be great -- thanks - and i let you know how and if the new psu works -



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the temps are pretty good now since i added a spot fan to the board and a fan on the HR-05 SLI -- which if i have to do it over - i wont reinstall that chip tower cooler --


it dosnt do much with out a fan on it -


at 2.7 - and load - the cpu is 40c - the pwm is between 50c and 57c -- the chip stays at around 40c also maybe 42c with a 80mm fan on the cooler -


with out the fan on that cooler - it ran hot for me --

the chip with no fan and just the HR-05 was around 46c at idle but it didnt go too much higher than 53c at load


and it dosnt sit flush all the way on the chip - it moves a little and i cant fix it once its clipped in - thats it


plus with the weight of the tower cooler sideways dosnt help either - and it takes up alot of room if you have to work around the Cmos area -


if i have to RMA my board - i will not put it back on - i would use the Evercool copper cooler i think - i read that it was so great and dropped the temps so much -


maybe others had better luck with it - i RMA the psu so i have to wait till i get it back and install to see if that was my problem - if not - i will RMA the board to DFI -


if anyone has anyother ideas as to what it maybe -??



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it only goes that high if i am on full load at my max OC

which is actually 2.75 - i said 2.7 before


if i leave it on 2.7 and run it normally - its under 50c --

maybe 46c at full load with 2.7 its around 50c - 52c


i dont know what i can do to keep it lower - i have a spot fan in that area now and it dropped it down at least 8c from what it was before -- at full load before - it went up past 65c - so it is much better now -


i usually run it 2.7 since its a bit under my max OC - and with the spot fan at 2.7 -- its around 46c - 49c -


what else can i do to make it cooler -



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i have a 120mm rear fan blowing in over the board since i went to WC -- i have a 92mm on top of case blowing out and one 92mm fan in back blowing out with my HD cage in front of it - you think it would help if i make the top fan blow in the case instead - ? i will try that when i get the new psu back and hope it works -


i hope its not the board itself - since it would be a pain to remove everything -- what does 4 leds mean if they stay on and wont boot ?


everything was fine till i decided to connect two of the fans direct to the psu and take them off the board -


i though that would be better - but when it was connected - nothing at all would boot or start up - so i though maybe its too much load on the psu or on one rail - i really dont know - so i rewired it separted how much is on one line from the Psu -- and it helped but having a hard time booting after that - - with the 4 leds on the board - cmos checksum error - had to reset cmos many times just to get it to boot once - but since then - it was unstable and locks up - black screen - fans stay on and ligths but cant do anything - i guess it crashes and cant reboot - so i would have to power down all the way - shut off psu - reset cmos - wait -- and try again a few times before i can get it going -- so i sent back psu -


i notice you have a hiper also - did you have any problems with your psu ?


for the most part - when this happens - 4 leds stay lit on the board -- but sometimes - i seen one on - but mostly all 4 - yellow lights on the board are on -


right now i have to just wait for psu - hope its that - but if it is the psu - i would still have the same one which means it can happen again unless i just had a bad one and slowly lost some punch -


in the future - i will stay away from dual rails quad rails etc. -- i will get at least 750w with one rail - high amps at least 60A -- and no modual -


i dont know how would i know what rail i am using from the psu connectors ? since it has two 12v rails -


i would like to separate the connections between the 2 rails so i dont load too much on one rail - but how do i know ?

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