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AeroCool Dominator or Monsoon II?

Guest r3d c0m3t_merged

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Guest r3d c0m3t

Just as the title implies, I'm looking for a few suggestions. I've read several reviews of both and I'm torn between one or the other.


Anyone care to push me in the right direction? :rolleyes:

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I don't like anything from AeroCool and the Monsoon II is just too expensive for the performance gains. Is this going to be for the rig in your signature or something else? The Sunbeam Tuniq Tower is the best air cooling solution available right now...but Coolermaster is just about to release a monster air cooler that looks promising.

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Guest r3d c0m3t

It's going to be the rig in my signature, although I'm also in the process of buying a new case - but I'll cross that bridge when I need to.

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The Monsoon II does pretty well on AMD processors but doesn't fair too well on Core2 procs. Do a search for the Monsoon and you'll find the thread where Angry tested it on his AMD rig...I'd still go for the Tuniq Tower though. If you're willing to spend that much on a Monsoon it'd be almost better to get a water cooling setup.

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I can concur with what everyone else seems to be saying. The Dominator will no doubt take up less space than the Monsoon, but by the same token it may well not remove heat as efficiently either, and it seems to lack some of the revolutionary design the Monsoon has. At the same time, I've heard such mixed reviews on the Monsoon that I wouldn't take a chance with it. And if you're still planning a C2D system, that Monsoon won't do you any good at all because they put out way too much wattage for that little TEC to transfer.


Do you still have that link I sent you for the Danger Den kit? If not, here it is again: http://www.petrastechshop.com/pecodaloed.


This kit is just about perfect. It includes just about everything I'd buy for a WC setup, and pretty much the only thing I'd ever upgrade is the radiator. Get the TDX 939 for now, and when you upgrade to C2D you can just buy a replacement top for the cooler from Danger Den (as well as probably a new GPU block and radiator if you get an R600 and intend to cool it).


It's a good deal, too; you can expect to spend a little more than that from Danger Den and still not have everything you need (i.e., fans).

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In my opinion the Monsoon II is a good alternative cooler.


On my Expert @3.05 GHz, 1.55v full load Prime95 my core temps don’t get above 38ºC. My ambient temp is 20ºC.


I got my Monsoon II new from the egg at a sale price of around $125.


For me it is working and I am happy with it.


Here is good thread link; http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread...ghlight=monsoon

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Guest r3d c0m3t

Reading all of this sort of makes me want to rethink this...I'll check around some more to be absolutely sure, but it seems the Monsoon II only shines with single core processors. I'll do some more searching and make my decision thereafter.


Suggestions or help is still welcomed.

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The Monsoon seems to be a hit and miss type of situation. . on some dual core AMD and good on others. single core AMD some fantastic some good.

Intel dual cores no way. Water cooling will be the top performer. Air cooling well you've seen the recomendations for top air cooling.

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