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Expert+Geil One W Problems

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Hi, i'm from argentina and I had DFI DR-Expert Motherboard and 2 modules of GEIL ONE W memory. I had some problem to configure the memory, I tried ever i now, but if you have a solution, you do me, very happy.

PD. Sory for my english.

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I can`t get stable to 500mhz and 2-2-2-5 timings. The memory are specified to do this. I put, LTD 4x, FSB 250, CPU Voltage 1.45, Memory Voltage 3.6v (suport 3.8 whitout invalid the guaranty).

Wht kind of information you need?

I Had 3 hard disk, 2 conected in raid 0 whit nvidia raid, and 1 conect in sillicon image.

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