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bandwidth limiting?


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does anybody know how to limit the bandwith of a computer? I need to put a limit on my moms computer so when my sister uses it it wont use up all the bandwith in our connection. my friend says i can just put the limit on mozilla firefox, but i couldnt find the settings for it.

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What do you have in the way of your internet connection.. ADSL, Cable, POTS modem or what?

I just have an ADSL modem with 512 Upload/ 1 MB download speed and it works without a problem even when four of our systems at home are on the net.


Here is where to start reading .. I assume you are using Windows XP.


You sure your Mom is not gonna be ticked off about this? :)


Increase bandwidth by tweaking QoS in Windows XP Pro


The following tweak applies only to Windows XP Professional edition.


The default system behavior is that all 100% bandwidth is available, however, if there is a running application that indicates to the OS it needs to send high priority/real time data, then as long as it has the socket open, Windows XP will restrict “best effort” traffic to 80% of the bandwidth so that high priority traffic can be accommodated. Basically, applications can make this request to the operating system for QoS support using the QoS application programming interfaces (APIs) in Windows and this only applies if a specific app is requesting QoS.


If you'd like to change how much bandwidth is reserved for QoS (the default is 20% of the total bandwidth), do the following:


1. Make sure you're logged in as "Administrator" (not just any account with admin privileges).

2. Navigate to START>Run and type: gpedit.msc

3. Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler

4. In the right window, double-click the limit reservable bandwidth setting

5. On the setting tab, check the enabled setting.

6. Where it says "Bandwidth limit %", change it to read 0 (or whatever percentage you want to reserve for high priority QoS data)

7. Click OK, close gpedit.msc


Under START > My Computer > My Network Connections > View Network Connections, right-click on your connection and under Properties (where it lists your protocols), make sure QOS Packet Scheduler is enabled.


You need to reboot for changes to take effect.

Note: This tweak applies only to The Professional version of Windows XP.


be sure that you want to do this.. you can reduce the bandwidth pretty easily from what I have read in just a few minutes of searching.



Here is more info on tweaking your XP OS to reserve and increase/decrease bandwidth.

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i have a DSL connection, ISP is sbc yahoo. My moms computer is the one connected to the router, and mine is using a 11mbps linksys wireless card.


11 mbps is enough right? i think my connection is 2mbps so a card that goes up to 11 should be fine correct? or should i use a 52mbps?


also is there any way to make my computer have higher priority than my moms?

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Sorry, that is as far as i am willing to help you.. I led you to water.. read up..I won't be party to your playing around with your Mom's system..do it on your own.


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The suggestion and instructions you gave really won't work for this particular situation. Everything that can be done on an XP machine is strictly for that PC and the applications that use the bandwidth available at the network port on the PC only.


To do what mihkail wants requires fixed IP addresses and a router that allows bandwidth restrictions per IP.


None of the "home" level routers you can buy off the shelf have these type settings.

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