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New OPTY wont boot into windows, but Linux is ok?


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Hey guys.

I just got this new 165 CCBBE 0616 and installed it.

-Reset Cmos and booted fine. (Windows)

-OC'ed to 300x9 1.4v with 245mhz ram 2.8v 2.5-4-10-4 and dual primed fine.

-Installed dual core optimizer and X2 driver and then no more boot..

-Reloaded defaults and it booted windows fine. (but no longer will @ stock)

-couldnt get any OC setting to work (Stock&loose timings) Tried for hours.

I would get to the "welcome screen and then BSOD.


So after frustration I tried my linux partition and its fine.. Clocked to 300x9 and primed (1 instance but it said 100% CPU usage)

I ran mem test at 270mhz @2.9v 2.5-4-10-4 ran test 5 with no errors (still running hours later)


Could the optimizer or driver be affecting my system? I dont want to reinstall windows until im sure i have to. Any ideas what is going on here?

Im stumped.....

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All I know is how all my games work perfectly with just the AMD driver, these include BF2 and Oblivion... not even need to use the Hotfix, but I know where to find it if I ever install a game that needs it.


I had before this Opteron 175 a 3700+ San Diego @ 2.9 ghz, which is quite considerable faster than the 2.75 ghz I am running this Opteron, at least at pure speed of course. With the same video cards and same monitor I was playing BF2 at around 85 fps at Daiqin Oil Fields 64 player map, then I changed to the dual core and I get 90 fps at the same map. Oblivion was at 100% usage all the time with the San Diego, and I got around 40 fps max on the outside... now with the Opteron dual core I get a little bit more than 40 fps, not much actually since the game is more video card dependant than cpu.


All this was possible with the AMD driver... before installing it I saw these "laggy" moments in BF2, something like ubber fast fps then slow down to 20's for a couple of seconds, then back to normal again just to repeat the whole laggy process every 10 or so seconds. This was hardly "smooth" at all and could only be fixed by using only one core (affinity set to 0 or 1)... after the driver this particular problem was fixed, so in my case the driver did more than just enable the use of C n' Q in a motherboard that doesn't support it.





The dual core optimizer doesn't work with my Opteron. Each time I install it it crash windows upon boot with a nasty BSOD. I tried using the Opteron drivers and also the Toledo X2 ones and still the same thing happens with the optimizer, except I get a cpu called Processor 175 with the X2 Drivers ;)


I was reading and found this..

This is so far the only reference to my problem..

I will try to get into windows some how and uninstall the optmizer..

If I have to uninstall it will this have an impact on performance..??

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