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Random BSOD Errors

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In the last few weeks I have started to get lods of BSOD's and stop start errors. the faults appears at random, and there is nothing consistant. I fisrt got the errors when being online, but now I get them more when playing games. The first bsod came with this error message:


"STOP: 0x0000009C (0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0xb2000000, 0x00020151)



The next ones error message I keep getting is:


"The STOP error is 0x00000050: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA"


I've run diagnostic checks on everything that I can and it all seems to be working normally as far as I can tell. Memtest reports no errors, No hhd errors either. I am not overclocking anything, temps are fine, I don't have any viruses, spyware is sorted everyday.


Any idea's :confused:


TIA :)

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Do you have another PSU handy to try? Yours is a bare minimun PSU & you are running a lot of hardware with it.

It looks like your OS might be corrupted. I'd try another PSU & a Windows repair.

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The most common cause for the two STOP errors you are receiving is from a memory related problem. A failing power supply is also a possibility.


How can I test my memory, besides using memtest? I do not have a spare PSU, so are there any indications to see if my PSU is on its way out? Antec have been quality for me in the past, so I am hesitant to just go an buy a new one.


Cheers :)

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I have Ran another test and found that my CPU is unstable. How do I make my Prozzer stable again, or is it borked? I am not overclocking any of it, and my temps are low, as I have a Thermalright 120 HS


I am quite confused to know why after 2years my system has become soo unstable over the past few weeks. :confused:


I am inclined to think that I might need a new PSU, but is there any way to test if it is infact the PSu that is letting me down?

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I have Ran another test and found that my CPU is unstable. How do I make my Prozzer stable again, or is it borked? I am not overclocking any of it, and my temps are low, as I have a Thermalright 120 HS


I am quite confused to know why after 2years my system has become soo unstable over the past few weeks. :confused:


Already pointed out by someone i think, your psu is bare minimum for this setup and now its 2 year old, Nuff said, your psu is giving up the ghost.....



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Already pointed out by someone i think, your psu is bare minimum for this setup and now its 2 year old, Nuff said, your psu is giving up the ghost.....




Yeah, your proberbly right, but will be testing my system with my mates PSU, and we I will see if my system becomes stable :)

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