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More 975 X/G Ratios: 1:1 vs 4:5 and 4gb OCing


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I'm sure most of this is no surprise but, I thought I'd post it just in case. Some guys at another forum were bickering about 1:1 vs 4:5. I am learning my way around this MOBO so I ran some simple benchies to see if I came to any of the same conclusions as them. I will be adding more benches, to show some of the same types of results Happy Games uses so we can do apples v apples.


First, at the same CPU speed, 4:5 will show a very slight increase over 1:1. However, on this board, my max OC at 1:1 is 430mhz fsb and the max at 4:5 is 400mhz fsb. So, while 4:5 is slightly better at the same CPU speed, the increased CPU speed of the 430mhz/1:1 OC is better than 400mhz/5:4 OC. The extra memory performace gained at 4:5 is not enough to warrant giving up 430mhz at 1:1. The board is absolutely unstable at any FSB past 400mhz when using the 4:5 so, 1:1 is easily faster overall. This may not be the case with other MOBOs so, I'll try to get another brand of board and test.


So, on this DFI 975 MOBO, IMO, synch is best. However, if the anticipated chipset and bios revisions allow a better handling of dividers for the 975 chipset, the advantage may fall back to asynch. Now, if we get dividers where we can upclock the CPUs well (this board won't do it well at all) , then asynch may be viable, ala 875 chipsets.


The 2nd 430mhz result in each part is with 4 x 1gb of PC8500 Dominator. Apparently, my MAX FSB is just as with 2 x 1gb as with 4gb which makes me think it is bios or chipset strap limited. I have NEVER seen a MOBO that will clock as fast with 4 DIMMs as it would with 2. With Vista coming I added a 4gb result just for giggles. I don't have a 64 bit OS to play with yet but, the results still look really good.


I ran Aquamark, SuperPI 1M, 3DMark 01, and Sandra Memory/Buffered. I did not do the full suite those other guys did or all of HG's due to time constraints. I will probably add 3DMark 03, 05, and 06 but, most likely they will be GPU limited for the most part. and show the same increases as below.


System Spex:

DFI 975 X/G, Rev 1.0, bios 12-01


2 or 4 x 1gb Corsair Dominator PC8500 w/Dominator Fan


Corsair HX520 PSU

Corsair Nautilus 500 on CPU

BIG, LOUD, FAST 120mm Sunon fan on NB (stock sink) and sinks on clock gen.


This board could REALLY use better NB cooling.



400mhz FSB 1:1 112,544 (4,4,4,12)

400mhz FSB 4:5 112,928 (5,5,5,15)

430mhz FSB 1:1 114,557 (5,5,5,15)

430mhz FSB 1:1 114,998 (4 x 1gb Dominator PC8500 5,5,5,15)


3DMark 01

400mhz FSB 1:1 35,498

400mhz FSB 4:5 36,030

430mhz FSB 1:1 36,821

430mhz FSB 1:1 36,484


SuperPI 1M

400mhz FSB 1:1 20.250 sec

400mhz FSB 4:5 20.141 sec

430mhz FSB 1:1 19.031 sec

430mhz FSB 1:1 18.79 sec


Sandra Memory Bandwidth, Buffered

400mhz FSB 1:1 7373/5091

400mhz FSB 4:5 7612/5091

430mhz FSB 1:1 7864/5091

430mhz FSB 1:1 7999/5091


*Apparently there is an issue with this chipset and the latest Sandra reporting the Integer benchmark correctly as it never changed from 5091.


This is obviously by no means complete but, the results are consistant. I also plan to add some low latency results as I now have 4 x 1gb of our best stuff, the PC8888 Dominator.

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The only memory parameter I changed from stock was per your guide, Read Delay is set manually to 7. Timings are set manually as listed for each bench. The 6300 will do this speed on stock Vcore but, I added .25v just in case.


One big thing I found, on this board, with the stock NB cooler + AS Ceramique, I got better stability with Vmch at 1.7v as opposed to 1.75v. I think the extra heat was not worth the extra .05v.


Has anyone checked the Vdroop on this board? I don't have a meter and have not been paying attention to the Core Temp or ITE monitors.

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vdroop ranges in the .03 range for the most part, I know of someone working on a vdroop mod. If it goes up I'll try it out.


Read delay has quite an impact on performance and stabilty at higher fsbs' though 6 works fine right upto 445.


I am checking out some of the other timings for speed and stability atm.




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Wow, I didn't think the board would hit that high of a fsb with 4 dimms in it. Nice, perhaps I'll just get another set of my memory instead of a 2gb kit.


EDIT:: YB what revision board do you have? Not sure if it's important to why your getting such good OC's with that many DIMMS, but it might be so I figured I'd ask :D

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This board could REALLY use better NB cooling.


This is so true its just not funny ! with 1.6v as default NBv Its amazing how high it is compared to my Asus P5B-Deluxe WiFi @ 1.2v default NBv & Asus had the option to go to 1.65v max BUT they had 'Heatpipe' cooling solution.


Its amazing they even released this board with aluminium passive HS for such a potential hot running NB with option to go for 1.75v in bios ! ! !


One of the first 'mods' I did was put a 50mm fan on my NB as well as my 2 x 40mm DDR2 cooling fans.


Maybe its because of cost factors, but in the longer term this 'robbing' the NB cooling solution could cost DFI more...:eek2:

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I dunno it seems mandatory to replace stock cooling solutions these days on all boards.


If companies (not exclsuive to dfi only), include a fan option people complain of it's performance/noise or height in comparison to other coolers, blocking the cpu etc. If they go heatpipe we get screwed as we have to remove the whole assembly, so the best is just an easily removable stock solution that you take off and use what you like. Everyone has their preference so can't be pleased. Even the newer boards need cooling adjustments to oc to the hilt, go check the rd600 over 450fsb. Performance on stock solutions is adequate for most, when you want more you pay more. If you want first upon launch then you pay lots more.


Nb coolers are quite cheap, when you got a budget board too, it's no big deal to drop a few extra bucks on a good cooler, not to me anyway. And my needs are unique, stock coolers are alwways ripped off for pushing stuff, I like the fact DFI leaves a plain nb hs, it's easy to remove if you wanna push fsb...

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. And my needs are unique, stock coolers are alwways ripped off for pushing stuff, I like the fact DFI leaves a plain nb hs, it's easy to remove if you wanna push fsb...


Good point Raju. The only thing I REALLY wish they would change is the NB mounting system. I absolutely hate those hooks. Some of the better NB coolers are between 150g and 250g. I get nervous with that much copper hanging over my video cards with only 2 puny spring hooks to hold it. Put 4 holes in the board, use push pins on a cheap heat sink, like the one that is there, and it will be good. Then we can properly mount any cooler we see fit.

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they have to go hooks buddy, pcb traces are run through the hooks (you can see them on close inspection), high speed requires all the room it can get to avoid trace inductance and ground noise..



Just like in your high-end dominator stuff, most of the best ram vendors are going 8 layer pcb to keep things free from trace inductance and noise, that along with some of the new d9 stuff is why we're seeing new speeds ...







edit btw: vnb at 2v with watercooling and ddr1104 at 440fsb cas 4-4-4-12 fell today 2.5vdimm with a fan, completely orthos stable even on priority 9 with read delay 6, results are in the 775 oc thread...

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4 hooks then?:nod: Mebbe I am just paranoid but, I have seen even 4 hook boards with hooks that pulled loose. But, I am impressed by this board and the 430FSB with 4 DIMMs.


Also, I don't have a meter. How is the Vdroop on this board? Seems solid to me so far just from the OCing I've done.


FWIW, I can do some more testing if anyone has any requests. I can do:

1. 6600, which is probably next, see how fast we can go with a 4mb cache CPU with 2gb and 4gb.


2. 2gb or 4gb of the PC8888 Dominator, go for LL vs high clocks.


3. Different benchmarks or tests? Suggestions?


4. Our infamous Dominator PC6400 Promos stuff, 2gb or 4gb, see what the Promos ICs will really do.


5. 64 bit OS if I can get a legit eval copy.

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see if you can hit ddr1050+ at cas 4 on the 667 divider.. unmodded that'll be good, depends what kind of vdimm range is safe in your position - for end users...



I think best I've seen at stock is oldguys 423fsb 9x multiplier ddr 1034 or so,it's in the ocdb...


modded well cas 4-5-5-12 2.5vdimm ddr1104 read delay 6, that was with d9 (3-3-3-8 667 2gb)..


Yeah I'd be interested to see what the promos can do for sure, if they were no good you guys would not have switched to them..




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