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15.6 / (1/300) = 5200...is that right...doesnt sound right...?



1 / f = t


1 /300 = .00333 <--- t


0.00333 x 1000 = 3.33 nanoseconds


1560 x 3.33 = 5194 = ~5.2 microseconds <--- refresh rate



Clock cycles = Refresh rate / t


5.2 / (1/250) = ~1562 Clock cycles

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Hey I did some quick testing of 2 TREF settings...


The chart you listed seems like it's a little off according to my bios and A64 Tweaker...


According to A64-Tweaker my Tref is [email protected] in the bios that's 3120


The bios seems to follow A64-Tweakers drop down...


so under Auto the 1st number would be for [email protected] is the 4th down for 15.6us... If I get time I will test them all with super pi 1M but heres what I did...I did this on the SLI-DR/3200venice running the stock 200x10...




200mhz @ 15.6us = 3120 Super Pi 1M 42.156


200mhz @ 7.8us = 0064 Super Pi 1M 44.656 (slowest super pi)


200mhz @ 3.9us = 1560 Super Pi 1M 41.969


I would have thought that jumping to the [email protected] would be faster than the 15.6...


But my question is... what if you change the tref to 1560 (3.9us) and 300x10...what the worst that can happen...is this something that will scramble the bios or will it just not boot... or nothing but a speed increase...? would it kill the ram...cuz it's ddr400 running at ddr600...

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Well now that Christmas is over, I am back, still trying to get these sticks stable. I've been doing some more research and it seems that most people are able to get these sticks to run @ 250MHz 1T 3-4-8-4 on 2.8v average. While the sticks weren't necessarily running worse at 2.55v, I do want to rule out low vDimm problems, so I set them at 2.8v for now. 2.8v is also what Patriot rates them for, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Seems that my advanced DRAM timings are still holding me back, or the bios version. Any other ideas?


Btw I know that the CPU is good for 2.65GHz at this vCore, and running it on a lower multi makes no difference that's why you'll see it set at 10x in my screenshots.

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OK, so I started from scratch again, everything except for the main timings, is on AUTO @2.5v. Memtest86 passes on all tests overnight. Memtest for Windows detects errors after a few minutes though. I ran 2 instances with 800MB each and set affinity accordingly. I tried with the pagefile enabled and now disabled, and I am still getting errors, c'mon gurus, whip out some knowledge on me.

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Well I ignored memtest for Windows' errors and ran dual Superpi 32M successfully, but dual Prime95 failed on one core after 7 mins. Upped Vdimm to 2.5v plus .03v enabled. Am I setting up Prime95 right for my setup?




Anything obvious here that I am missing? I am gonna run Memtest for Windows again, to see what happens with slightly higher Vdimm.

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Yes, I set Prime95 up just like that.


Memtest found errors again, should I up the VDimm to 2.6v with +.03 disabled or tweak the settings?


Trying Prime95 again in the mean while.

Thanks for taking the time to help, bro.

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Have you tried Trc/Trfc set to something like 8/14? Those values should not need to be no where as loose as is being shown.


If you do change them be sure to test with Memtest before booting into Windows.

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Will try that right now, I've tried tons of settings, searched the SPDB and the OCDB, not sure what I've had it at before, but I am sure I've tried settings close to what you recommend. Good thing I got two machines next to each other, or this posting back and forth would be a pain in the butt.


Running test # 5 right now...

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One other thing to try. See how high you can clock the memory by changing settings and using Memtest only.


It's common for Memtest to be stable a few MHz higher then what is stable in Windows. If you can't get at least another 5 or 6 MHz out of the sticks with Memtest I'd be considering an RMA once all memory/voltage options were exhausted.

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Memtest for Windows found errors again with those settings. But Memtest86 keeps passing error free.


So you're saying try to run the RAM at 255-260MHz @2.9v with the advanced settings on AUTO, and see if it errors in memtst86 test #5 and RMA it if it does find errors?

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