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I am using A64 to read the AUTO values then I input them manually.


At these settings the RAM will pass memtest up to ca 225MHz, once I go past that I get errors in test #5. I don't want to push the volts higher than 2.9v without knowing whether it will damage the sticks. I had TCCD sticks that got damaged from excessive voltage even with active cooling. I am surprised that these sticks won't do 250MHz yet, guess I gotta tweak some more.


I tried searching for this RAM, but only came up with a few results, and each one was quite different, so I am not sure what to set for advanced DRAM settings. I am not even sure if this bios is optimal for them, since every OCDB entry for this RAM is on a different bios.


I dropped to 2T and CAS 3 to see if it would help but there is no difference.

These sticks should have Samsung UCCC chips on them if I am correct.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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you'll do good to check my thread here




you're having the same issues I was having... going from TCCD to UCCC was a big change for me...


one thing I can tell you right off the bat is you're frying your RAM.... for UCCC 2.6 - 2.65 vdimm is plenty... 2.7vdimm at the most... don't go past that... I didn't and for the longest time I couldn't get anything stable... just dropping the vdimm to 2.65 did wonders....


when you look at the results (from the links in my thread) you'll see that 2.65v is plenty to get you all the way from 250 up to 300 FSB with UCCC chips.


also change your bypass Max to 7x


your sticks should repond roughly the same as the other 2 x 1GB UCCC modules


good luck

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If those sticks are recent, you probably won't reach some of the speeds in this thread but you should be able to find some settings. ooztuncer has a spreadsheet attached to the first post.


G.Skill HZ/Any other UCCC (2x1024) 260+ please post here


yeah that was very helpful for me.. very helpful.. I linked to that thread in the thread I posted above :P

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Very good info guys, I was just reading that thread when I saw you posted here. Glad you pointed out the vDIMM to me, I went by what I saw in the OCDB entries I found for this particular RAM, which was 2.9v for all 4.


I am running memtest #5 atm @2.6 +.03v reads 2.66v in bios. No errors yet, but it usually doesn't show for a few passes.


Thank a lot




What bios should I be using for these sticks?



memtest fails again after 6 passes of test #5


I changed bypass max to 7 btw

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Ok, Tref change didn't work and actually caused weird Display corruption upon reboot. Did a cold boot then changed Tref to AUTO and DQS skew control to decrease skew, we'll see. Still no word on a bios version suggestion?

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Even with setting DQS skew control to decrease skew, it failed again, thought I already posted that, must have forgotten to submit the post.


I am gonna keep reading those before mentioned threads and see if I can't find something as well.

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