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Currently have the CFX3200...

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Now, I'm not planning on running SLI or Crossfire, yet, and I have an inexpensive video card...


So, that being said...


I'm more interested in SATA-II RAID stability. Everyone knows about the issues with the 3200 board. I see this board...




...also looks like something I'd use.


I see it uses the same SIL RAID controller as the 3200, which I really wont use anyway, at least not yet.


But, I like the vertical RAM configuration, as opposed to the horizontal RAM on other UT boards. So it's either this one, or the 3200 (on newegg, at least).


How's the stability of the RAID (chipset raid, not SIL) on this board? Same issues as the 3200, or is it better?


Just trying to figure out if I should possibly wait out, and/or continue with the tweaking of my current board, or drop and get this one.




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The NF4's don't have any problems with RAID and the controller is suprisingly quick.


The expert is a great choice. Solid as a rock and can always be counted on to do it what it is supposed to do.


If I didn't have the PCI-E raid card my CFX would have ended up in the trash a long time ago..

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That's what I was looking for. I'm really only suck on AMD CPU's, i'm not loyal to any one brand for chipset or video cards, just my last few video cards were of the ATI persuasion.


Since I'm really new to this Dual-video card thing....... nVidia SLi... only compat with nVidia SLi video cards, I assume? Single PCI-e x16 card can be any brand?

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Thanks for the info. I'm going to seriously look into this board. Damn. I'm not looking forward to installing the OS again. I'm way way too nit-picky when i do that. I make a whole lot of customizations in the appearance of WinXP, and dig in deeper with X-Setup Pro.

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I have a few rigs, one of them being a tyan based server and my expert is just as stable and just as reliable with a pretty decent OC.


If you are going to stick with single cards or move to SLI in the future the expert is definately worth considering. Night and day compared to a ULI bugged CFX..


I hear you on the Windows install, I dual boot XP and Gentoo Linux, last time around with the CFX I lost everything and had to install both OS's. 3 days worth of work on Gentoo..

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