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Build won't boot up!!


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Ok guys just recently my build in the rig went awry and shut down on me.. I couldn't revive it. I found out that i had accidentally clipped and broke off a transistor on the mainboard during my installation of the Monsoon II TEC. Since that was the possible reason of the malfunction i went out and got a new MOBO. Same DFI Lanparty UT Ultra-D, but this new one would not boot into bios with the same processor that i have in my sig...I get no progress from the LED's. ALL Four led's are lit and i've tried to do the full CMOS clear but still no results i've switch around the ram, cpu, and the gfx card but still can't find the reason for no boot... please help me troubleshoot the problem.


P.S: THe PSU is fine i've been able to use my old board to start it and the old board loads up to bios. BUt this new board would not startup.

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4 LEDs on = Power applied, checking CPU

3 LEDs on = CPU has been detected OK, checking RAM

2 LEDs on = RAM has been detected OK, checking VGA

1 LED on = VGA has been detected OK, entering BIOS

0 LEDs on = System has booted to the Operating System


Do you have another CPU to try?


Have you tried long CMOS clear 8, 12 or 24 hours? Like this and follow it exactly.

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