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Athlon X2 4400+


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Hi all,


I have the components detailed in my sig below.


I currently have my 4400 X2 running at 2500Mhz, HTT- 250, Multiplier x10,


My case temps are as follows:


Idle CPU - 33 Degrees, PWMIC - 44, NF4 - 46


Load CPU - 46 Degrees, PWMIC - 55, NF4 - 49


Have I got enough room for more overclocking?????


I am unsure how the RAM/CPU divider works??

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Welcome to the Street


Temps are fine more overclocking they will go up. Direct a fan onto the PWMIC area and thing about changing the stock chipset cooler to a Do you run air


A good chipset replacement one is the Evercool VC-RE. It’s quieter and a lot of people get a 5ºC - 10ºC drop in temp. Use AS5 when installing the new one.


Where to buy a Evercool VC-RE in the UK


Other options;


For maximum cooling you can go into the BIOS, under PC Health Status and set the:


“CPUfan Fully On…” > 26ºC


“NB Fan Fully On…” > 40ºC


Basically this will set the fans to full speed (RPM). If the throttling or noise is to loud adjust the temp up a bit or put your fans on a fan controller.


This is a very good thread by soundx98; Temps Too High? on keeping Pulse-Width Modulation Integrated Circuit (PWMIC) and the MOSFET cool.

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Welcome to the fourm :)


man i love my JingTing...never hits 35 lol... *ehm but anyway, there are space issues that can go on and on.... Go with the Evercool, its good ;)


u defintely have some room... but u might wanna read the overclocking guide first:


to get an idea on the whole memory divider n stuff....


in a nutshell, it will divide the cpu's HTT to accommodate running the memory in a different speed...

i.e. by default, the divider is at 1/1 or 200Mhz... this will give the memory the same speed at ur CPU's HTT. taking ur own machine, 250x10 with a 1:1 divider will let the memory runs at 250x1/1=250 :) being DDR, it will go at 2x250=500Mhz :D


now if u wanna raise that HTT into, say, 300 :), u dont want the 1:1/200Mhz ratio, u want, say, the 150Mhz ratio (which is..umm 5/6 if im not mistaken) to keep the memory at 300x5/6=250Mhz still :) (ah yes, it is 5/6 then lol)


g'luck ;)


ps: oh yes, since ull be shopping for a new chipset cooler, may i interest u in a better CPU cooler as well? :)

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