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Oc Xp2200 Stuck@1921mhz & 166 Fsb


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I'm stuck. Can't go higher without hanging the system in the windows xp logon screen. I have an xp2200 oc'd to 1.9GHz@166MHz. Voltage at 1.71. It hangs in bios if i increase the voltage past 1.675. What's the problem???


I have a freekin 100%copper thin fin heatsink with an 80MM fan on it. what else do i need???!!!

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Sold it to a customer, and they took it out too after a week.



the 80 mm fan in there now is pushing 45 CFM. That ought to be enough right? on a solid copper heatsink.


Oh and i forgot to mention the case is open and i have a box fan on HI blowing into the case. And i still can't get past 1.9Ghz.

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

box fans dont really move that much air and dont really help now industreal fans move alot i have a 19" circuler fan that on low blows more than 3 box fan on high

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Yeah man, sometimes the chip just WON'T go any faster, no matter what you do. If you really want to check, crank the vcore way up and see if its stable. (no, don't leave the vcore jacked way up...just try it for testing purposes. If it's still not stable, then you've hit the chip's maximum speed)

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