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Almost....but not quite 3.0 stable


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Thanks guys, gonna install my new OCZ Powerstream 700....which will take me no less than a couple of hours since I need to route my wires and plugs correctly. After that I'll try again at the above settings I posted and if no go then I'll bump up the vcore a notch.


By the way, this memory HATES anythig above 2.6 vdimm (BIOS shows 2.68 vdimm, I wish I could change the "8" in 2.68 but I can only change the "6". I guess Experts can change the 8)


Also, I'll try changing those timings you sent me Redbeaver. At least it gives me a starting point since I'm so clueless.

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yes it could. my BigTyphoon handles it pretty well. sort of :P


i would go as high as 1.675 on my Venice on the BigTyphoon and it works just fine. Expert board is abit more finicky and X2 like lower volts... so im stable on 1.55 (+102% which is nothing. sensor still reads 1.55), and ive tried 1.55+109% which ends up about 1.67V and i still cant hit 3.0Ghz:(


1.6 gets me about 47 CPU and cores at 70~72 after an hour of Orthos

1.55 gets 45 and cores at 65~67 after 1hr Orthos.


still ok i guess.


need to pop the IHS and lap my damn BT :( cant find fine-grit sandpaper x(

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OK, This looks better since I goofed the first time on my screenshot above and it didn't show my CPU MHz (Stupid Hangover....)


OCDB Entry


I finally got there, and my VCore is actually lower than most I've seen in the Database. Thanks to everyone who has helped. I love this forum, AND this Motherboard!!!!


Now.....to tighten those memory timings a little

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