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BIOS Flash

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I have to ask a question here and it may lead to why DFI hasn't replied.


In your first post you say the 4 led's of death again.


So how many times have you received these led's of death?


What have you done in previous deaths that you recovered and now it happened yet again?


If this is something that you are doing over and over that is causing the 4 led's of death I would suggest taking a stand back and seeing what it is that you are doing wrong.


It is not DFI's obligation to correct everything that might have gone wrong on your end.



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More over, DFI's product CAN be 100% fine and you could do something to corrupt your BIOS... and then you get hosed with 4 LED's of death and the only way out of it is to either "Hot Flash" and put in your Good, working, spare bios chip... at which point you can Hot Flash the other chip so you once again have a working back up chip...


The Point.


regardless of whether its working or not... if you have a DFI LP B... you should always have a spare bios chip, and a stick of pc2100 doesn't hurt either...


bottom line.. these DFI NF2 boards are quirky as hell... even when there is nothing wrong with them... but they are by far the best socket A overclock board out there... if you can't deal with that... or if that's not what you're looking for in a mobo... you may be better served with a mobo from a different company that doesn't overclock as well but is less quirky.


good luck


P.S. I have had to RMA a motherboard to DFI and they gave me no problems at all.... other than keeping the original box and giving me a junk box in return :angry:

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Well, I did a hot flash on both of my chips... it would go half way then run into several errors... not sure if it's possible for a bios chip to fry, but if so, then that's what must've happened... either way, I'm done with dfi, I'm throwing away my board and buying a real brand that actually offers product support. Thanks to those who tried to help, but I'm done.

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i recently used winflash even tho it was said to avoid that method...

it flashed perfectly within windows and my bios is now stable... one note tho... it goofed up at this point and couldnt boot up again - i was unaware that the cmos reloaded from the previous bios could cause problems if re-used, but a quick battery removal sorted that after. i then got rid of the other 3 cmos reloaded saves to prevent me using them again.

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