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Police Brutality Tape


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I'm sure you all have seen the tape of the teenager being abused by IngleWood police. My question is, what do you think of it? Do you think the cops were in the right or wrong?


There is still alot of investigating that needs to be done, but I strongly feel that the cops were in the wrong. The kid probably weighs about 160 pounds, and he was handcuffed and surrounded by like 6 police officers, therefore NOT a threat. They slammed him into the trunk, then punched him in the face.....amoung other things. The sad part is, this happens EVERYDAY, in EVERY STATE......people just refuse to believe it.


Some people are turning this into a minority issue, well, I got news for yah.....that stuff happens to EVERYONE. My white uncle was beaten up by cops, he had like 20+ stiches all in his HEAD after a run in w/ 3-4 cops. He tryed taking the abuse case to the courts, but not suprisingly, he was unsucessful, as most of these cases are. I guess since he didn't have video tape, running on CNN at that, his case was just ignored. He did take pictures of his wounds at the hospital, but for some reason that wasn't enough. Cops are the law, and frequently get off on charges that would put the rest of us behind bars for YEARS, its just wrong. My uncle told me that he did NOTHING to deserve the beating, he said he was very coropertive, and I believe him, he has no reason to lie to me. He told me this story awhile back, not recently b.t.w.


THe problem is my uncle is HUGE, and I'm not talking fat. He is 6'2 about 275 and benches higher than I can count :). The cops were intimidated, and I guess bitter, because they took nightsticks to his skull. I've only been pulled over a few times, but I can tell you, that cops are DICKS!! They give EVERYONE a hard time, black-white-or whatever. And something needs to be done. WHo the heck is in charge of policing the police?!? Not all cops are bad.....but honestly, I think about 80% of them are.


Cops used to respond to trouble........now they cause it.

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I've been beaten by a rotten cops before. But, unless you have it on video tape...no one will believe you.


I think that they are the schoolyard bullys, come back to haunt us again. Nobody ever took them to the principals office. It's time they were.



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I dunno guys.. I know what you all are saying.. but..


Its always going to be like this..

There really isent anything anyone can do about it.. unless everyone started putting cameras in there car lol..


And even if we got police to watch the police..

what makes u think thier police wont get mean n stuff..


then its the poilce getting beaten and then there mad.. and then they take it out on us even worse?


I dunno..



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IM sorry Bosco.. yes.. I know u were a cop.. and yes I do know its true..

not 2 cops are alike..


you must agree with us a bit though seeing it from your eyes..

I dont know how things are run in canada.. but here in the states.. cops are the law... pretty much..


the only time I ever won on a cop, see check this, I was drving through detroit.. and I was doing like... 120mph or something like that..

well the cop gave me a speeding ticket and it said 85mph.. he said he would let me slide..


Well I went to court..


and the judge asked me if I was speeding.. and I said yeah I was..

and hes like.. well then why did you bring this to court..


I said I dont think i deserve this ticket.. I wasent doing 85mph.. I was doing about 120mph..


So, I think I dont deserve this..


and He looked at the Cop and said. Is this true? the cop said yeah.. but I was just letting him slide, So the judge looked at him and said.. well Since you did not gve him a basic speeding ticket and it had a mph on it.. and the mph were incorrect..


I got out free of charge... nah nah nah nah...




But n e ways...

see some cops are nice.. i know this..


But others have pulled me over for having a tail light out.. got me out of the car.. had to put my hands on my hood..


and they searched my car..


n they were mean about it.. and I wasent doing crap..


BTW this was before the court thing :)


So.. I dunno..


Sorry we offended you.. buy you gotta look at it from the otherside also..

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I agree with you guys but we weren't there. Another thing is according to the other officers that were there the suspect grabbed the officer in the you know what, and the officer reacted to a strike in the face. If this is true then I feel that he was totally justified in his actions. But if he struck him for no reason I don't agree with that either. Officers have to follow the same rules that everyone else do, but some don't do that. It really is a bad thing cause it makes the rest look bad, everywhere not just the US. <_>

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I don't think the groin story is true because of one simple fact, look at the cops face. Any man thats just been hurt down there shows pain, I don't care how tough of a man you are. That cop wasn't hurt, he was just pissed. And even if the kid did grab him there, that gives him NO RIGHT to hit the kid in the face, thats beyond the lines of professionalism. Thats the only possible cover up they could come up with. When you look at the tape, there is absolutley nothing that shows any truth to the officers statement. And don't you think its kinda odd that @ the moment the only person behind bars is the kid who shot the tape? If I hit someone in the face, and it was reported to the cops, there would be an assault warrant out for my arrest the next day......even w/o video proof.


And I know every 2 cops are diffrent, and I bet in Canada the cops are actually decent people. Some are probably dicks, but I'm sure the % of bad cops is far less than that here in the states. Its just VERY frustrating knowing that people have beat the crap out of my family, and other familys and they get away with it. Thats just the brutality part of it, cops get away with LOTS of other stuff besides beating people up......and what is it going to take for something to be done about it?


Society needs cops, no doubt. It just seems like cops know that people don't trust them anymore, and instead of trying to make the problem better, they're bitter about it and walk around w/ an " us vs them " attitude.


Last time I was pulled over it was like 5:45pm for not having my headlights on. It was DUSK, not even DARK. Next thing I know I was being patted down and they brought the k-9 unit out to search my car. I have no drug charges, and never have. Just because I was 21 @ the time, they gave me a hard time, and help me up for 30 minutes. I mean come on now, NO HEADLIGHTS before 6?!?!?!?!? I wasn't the only car on the road w/o headlights, I'm sure of it. And does no headlights really warrant a search? They treated me like some big time drug lord over headlights?!? In the end I had to pay a 100+ $ fine, which I paid, and should have challenged.


I wish I could like cops, I don't like holding grudges. But I can't like anyone who doesn't like me just because they're bitter.


I will say this though, no matter what the outcome of the trail. ANYONE that starts ANY RIOTING should be jailed A.S.A.P. It's a down right shame if those cops are found innocent, but screwing up innocent buisnesses is not the answer, especially w/ the state of the economy. A ahhh verdict is no reason to go snatch yourself a big screen tv! It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out none the less.


Thanks for the discussion gang.

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Granted, "All cops are not bad apples."


But, they all stand together and protect their bad apples, instead of throwing them out.


After viewing that tape w/ the kid on the trunk, I'm convinced that one of the officers was actually trying to block the blows of the accused officer, protecting the kid.


They know that he's a bad apple.



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I look at cops like a force of nature, just do your best to side step them and then you dotn have to worry. We have a strip in my town (ppl drive around in their cars and talk to eachother) and theres always tons of cops there becasue theres tons of teenagers there. I ddint really care about going on the strip cause its no that much fun but then they closed teh strip down so now all the cops are bored and have to find somthing else to do.


Me and my freinds play street hockey in a park, the lights go out at 12 because tahts when it closes. The park is in the middle of an industrial area, no one around at night and the nearest house is about a mile away through a bunch of buildings. So at 11 we're playing and the cops show up, 2 cars and the cops start telling us about how they've been getting complaints from the area's residents about noise. Maybe if all the kids in the park were yelling at the top of thier lungs and banging thier strick against the ground maybe someone would hear somthing and then all they'd have to do was turn their head slightly and they wouldnt be able to hear it anymore. So with the strip closed down the cops get bored and come bug people that are just having innocent fun. So after the cops broke it up everyone went to some parties to get drunk.

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