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4 LED's - Standby On - No DDR LED

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I just bought a used SLI-DR Expert with a AMD64 4000+ cpu and I have a solid 4 LED's & constant standy LED - no beeps. When I turn the system on I don't think the cpu is getting any power as it's not warming up or anything. Same thing with or without the cpu inserted.


I'm assuming it's because I have a cheap azz PSU (Dynex 400W?) I don't want to invest in an expensive PSU if the board is toast. Even with a cheap PSU shouldn't the CPU get some power and at least get warm to the touch if the power is on to the board?

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I'm assuming it's because I have a cheap azz PSU (Dynex 400W?) I don't want to invest in an expensive PSU if the board is toast. Even with a cheap PSU shouldn't the CPU get some power and at least get warm to the touch if the power is on to the board?



If thats the road you choose you will find little if any help here, thats what they went to the trouble of putting a list of DFI Recommended Power Supplys for.....


IF you dont want to invest in what the board needs to funciton then you would be as well getting some other mobo manufacturer, DFI and cheap components dont go hand in hand dude.



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You have a used board that may or may not work. You are trying to power up the Expert with a psu that is not on the recommended list, is underpowered for any DFI motherboard especially the Expert and doesn't have the proper connectors for the board. It's impossible to troubleshoot a component by using other components that are both inferior in quality and incompatible with the rest of the system. Either acquire another power supply that is known to be of an equal quality as that of the motherboard or or a motherboard to match the cheap power supply.

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