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939 vs AM2


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Worth it? You would have to buy New motherboard, new RAM, a new heatsink...

Only you can decide if it is worth it.


What do you use the machine for?

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The only reason I could see for such an upgrade is if you anyway want to get some new 2x1GB kit of RAM since DDR1 for enthusiasts are more or less being phased out; but on the other hand Intel's C2D has caused some former AMD users to make a switch, so some good DDR1 memory are available for sale, like on this forum.


Otherwise an upgrade of GPU would benefit you regardless of platform. Also I'm certain that an upgrade of PSU would be of great value for you.

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Again, it really depends what your doing? More than 1GB will help only if you multitask allot, or play some of the latest games. A GPU upgrade may be in the cards, but it would have to be Nvidia's newest line for a big jump in performance, or maybe SLI cards... it just depends how serious you are into games, and if you play @ 1600x1200 with FSAA or what.

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Hmmm...wel...I think I'll stay with a socket 939, but regarding the Ram, You think that will have a impact on the overall performance???

It all depends on what you use your rig for. As you see I'm also using 2x512MB RAM at the moment even though I have a 2x1GB kit of G.Skill HZ DDR500 for use. For demanding games 2GB of RAM is about the best upgrade you could do and if you're doing photo/video editing, yes then it also could be a much better choice (ok really heavy editing would eat up more than 2GB of RAM, but that's another question).


And the PSU is doing ok!!! Haven't had any real problems with stability!!!

Ok, it's up to you. Still I would choose to give the system a "higher roof" and not pushing the PSU to much. It might be stable for now, but a continuously heavy load will eventually degrade it. Just a friendly thought.

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Hey, I'm thinking about upgrading to an AM2 socket from a socket 939 ...Do someone have advise for me and is it worth it???



If you are going to go down that road then C2D would be the better option, whilst I have not found a great difference as far as gaming goes, it does do everything else better, and it over clocks real easy, I was able to hit 3.6 with no trouble @ all and I am far from the master OC'er I only ever gone an extra 0.2GHz on AMD for 24 hr use! Other wise the answer to your question is a no!

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