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PSU dead what to check?

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My Hiper Type-R 480W PSU slept to death. One morning the machine simply do not start. They have checked it in a service and considered dead. I have replaced it with a Zalmann 460-psa, replug everything in order, but it still do not start. I have tried the mobo's built in power-on button too, does not work. I am getting nervous since the line-in led for the Marvell lit(green) and the stand-by led under the second PCI-E lit too (yellow). So it seems to be powered the right way. When i first assembled the rig lasr year i made a mistake putting the cpu in. Then when i start with power on all the wents, the hdd spin up simply the sys did not appear. But now, power-on does nothing!


What should i check now?

Thank You!

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Now you should check with a bigger, recommended power supply.


If that doesn't work, then your under-powered PSU may have taken something else with it. Let's not jump to that conclusion quite yet.


When you press the power button what happens? Does it start to power up, then shut down (or hang), or does it just sit there dead?


If the latter, then we're moving closer to that conclusion above.


Unplug all drives, cards, pull your ram, everything...and then try to power on. We're hoping for some error beeps from the MB here. If it still doesn't power up (and beep at you for not having any ram or Video card installed) then we're moving even closer to that conclusion.


If it does power up and beep at you, then add the ram back, and try again. If it still powers up then add the video card etc.


If nothing happens when you've unplugged/removed cards/etc. your MB was probably taken out with the PSU.


Goog luck, and let us know what happens.



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I have tried the above described procedure. Short: no lifesign. Yellow status led lits under the pci-e slot, but nothing else. No beeps, no nothing.


Only strange to me is that there is no phisical damage on the board nor in the PSU. I really hope it has left something for me.

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