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Need BIOS-Settings for MDT RAM-Timings

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Hi Everyone!


I have a big problem! My mainboard is a DFI LanParty UT nf4 Ultra-D and MDT DIMM 2GB Kit (DualChannel, 2x1024MB, 2,5-3-3-7-1)


Sometimes, when I use software/games, which use a lot of hardware-ressources, there comes a bluescreen! The problems are some wrong values in the BIOS (perhaps the CAS RAS values/timings). A long time ago a friend gave me the right values, i used them and everything worked fine. but now i had to reset my bios and so there are the standard values now and i didn't know the old values! Have someone any ideas, what i must configure into the ram-options in the bios so windows will working without any problems!?


Sorry for my bad english and thanx a lot for answers!



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Im having the same ram in the 1gb version as BGA Chip (not TSOP for that matter) Bios settings in my sig. If you want detailed settings pm me.


Also theres a good thread @ HWLUXX




Maybe you should try 2t instead of 1t what helps stability with these rams.

2.5v-2.6v is ok, mine do like 2,5v more than 2,6v.


Also you could try DRAM Drive strength level 3

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