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4 pin molex wiring cofig

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I've just been braiding some cables from my rig and unfortunatly I've got the wires muddled up.I know where the red and yellow go, but its the 2 black wires.Does it matter which way round these go or can they go in either?I don't want to take the braid off to see and do it all again.I've got a circuit tester coming tonight but cant wait until then lol.

Thanks in advance

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The black wires are both ground, or common. It shouldn't matter which ones are which, as they should all reference back to the same point. If you want more information regarding the pins, Google 'IEEE ATX Specification" for more information.


You can find the PSU pinout info on page 20 here:




Hope this helps.



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Thanks to all, I got a circuit tester a few mins ago, and as luck would have it they were all the right way around.

I think I did notice was that 2 of the cables that came in a sharkoon premium ide cable both share the ground connection.So I guess your right in that a ground is a ground no matter where its connected.


Oh well now thats sorted I can begin fitting my water cooling at long last.

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