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Information on RS482 BIOS Settings ?

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While the "Definative Guide" has explains many of the "basic" DFI BIOS settings, the RS482 seems to have many that are not covered.


Is there some sort of documentation that explains the RS482 BIOS settings ? Specifically those relating to the video, but there are others (such as those in the Memory section) that are not covered in the Guide.


Thanks in advance,



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I feel the same way. I did use someone else's setting from the database but they caused problems so I tried playing with them a little myself using the database settings as a range and played with the settings I didn't know what they did and eventually got it right and got a pretty good boost from them. and then one of my kids got into the bios and messed something up and I had to do a jumper reset and I never wrote down what I did. I am waiting till I get a 2x1gb kit before I try again and follow the other rs482 database settings for that simislar setup. If you running 2x1gb kit Jimmy I would look up your board in the OCdatabase and use that guys setting as a base and see if it gives you any performance boost.


It would be nice to know though what exactly what each setting does and a set of ranges and settings depending on you ram setup thats not nescessarily ram brand specific.

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