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upgrade to expert

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Wow, look what I started. Anyways, Praz, your idea would work perfectly, it makes more sense than having to put everything on dvd which would probably amout to about 30 discs. I was just trying to do the swap with the minimum amount of work (my time is really limited lately), and also I have windows tweaked to where I want it too. If I were create an image with norton ghost or similar program, could it still cause conflicts? I know in an ideal world a fresh install is best, but like I said, time is an issue, atleast this way I could do it little by little

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You will be swapping out info thats set up different mobo as well as different controller bios I hate to faall into the catagory of being anal retentive but through prior experience its a no go and should not be reccomended! I would suggest backing up that data to an external source and start from scratch with the new hardware and set it up properly and then just transfer yo're info over from the external source.


I am refering to stored music files pictures documents, etc ,etc ,etc I do not mean shoot a image and swap it over!

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I agree with Brother Esau. The biggest thing for me is stability. If, after you set up your new system you have stability problems then what. Is it hardware related or Windows flaking out because of the different hardware. These are overclocking boards and I would assume that's why you bought an Expert. For a successful and stable overclock you have to start with a solid foundation. Not only does that include quality and known compatible hardware but also an error free Windows install.

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Considering that WINBLOWS poses the most problems in any given computer outside of end users being stuck on stupid! I would heed the warning and trust the users that have prior experience with what you are suggesting after all we are dealing with WINBLOWS here right?

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Just one more question (I hope). I noticed looking at a picture of the expert board, I don't see a molex connector on it, however, I do see that there is 2 four pin connectors beside the 24 pin connector. So, should I plug both cpu connectors in there?

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Considering that WINBLOWS poses the most problems in any given computer outside of end users being stuck on stupid! I would heed the warning and trust the users that have prior experience with what you are suggesting after all we are dealing with WINBLOWS here right?



Is the OS bashing really necessary? I mean, I'm not a big fan of windows myself, but c'mon. I'm just getting the feeling that you're implying that only an idiot would use Windows, which is not the case.

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Well, I must be a idiot cuss I'm using it right now! I was refering to the general population not really users on the forum here. But if you insist ....(sigh)..I myself dont care for Micro$ and the sneaky bull crap they pull with their customers!


In time when I have more experience with the Linux Platform I will say good bye to Windows 4 ever! But in the end I am sure that I will still be forced into it because every one uses it.

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Is this like the thread of emotional school girls lol. So much drama over such a stupid thing. How the hell is saying winblows offending anyone, well except for maybe Billy...


If you have data on the drive and you need to get it off, it shuold boot up just fine. If it doesn't, try a repair install. After you get your data off i do suggest a clean reinstall of windows (or Linux :P)

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Just one more question (I hope). I noticed looking at a picture of the expert board, I don't see a molex connector on it, however, I do see that there is 2 four pin connectors beside the 24 pin connector. So, should I plug both cpu connectors in there?



yes mate, youve got the 20+4 the 8pin eps and a loppy one above the pci-e ports, all of those need to be plugged in and yes their labled cpu 1 and 2 :)

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