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I think my mobos borked

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last month while playing CS:S my pc crashed and i couldnt get it to turn on again. i followed the guides on here to recover and it worked fine since then - until last night


it crashed and it wont turn on unless i hold the insert key down on my keyboard. at that point i can get the pc to boot but not much else. i cant get into windows - it hangs, even while loading the drivers for safe mode


i cant run a XP install cd either. it does the usual loading drivers and then blue screens on me. the cd is fine on other pcs. no CRC errors etc. i sometimes get corruption (minor) on the main boot screen while finding drives and the occasional checksum error from the bios.


i was using 2gig of ram but swapped to 1 512 stick from a working pc in the orange slot (top) and its still the same.


i can run memtest on that ram via the mobo and thats all fine but not much else. all drives bar 1 cdcrom drive are disconected. all 4 pwr conns are in as per usual


i have tried ex roadies guide overnight and its still the same. it boots but something causes corruption afterwards.


could it just be the mobo? - this is for the first PC in the list btw - the 4400+

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When you said it wouldnt turn on unless you hold down the insert key,


Do you mean it wouldn't boot unless you held down the insert key?


See the difference?

You imply that no power was getting to the board unless you held down the insert key.



Anyway, maybe it is a wrong setting, are you overclocking anything?

Corruption especially when installing windows is a memory related problem.


How long did you run memtest?

3 hours min, 8 hours first time?


What are the default memory timings for your modules?

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When you said it wouldnt turn on unless you hold down the insert key,


Do you mean it wouldn't boot unless you held down the insert key?


See the difference?

You imply that no power was getting to the board unless you held down the insert key.



Anyway, maybe it is a wrong setting, are you overclocking anything?

Corruption especially when installing windows is a memory related problem.


How long did you run memtest?

3 hours min, 8 hours first time?


What are the default memory timings for your modules?


hiya, ta for the reply, i meant it wouldnt boot without holding the insert key. memtest ran for an hour on this pc, but has passed overnight on the other pc that uses this ram 24/7.


no O/C here at all


the corruption/bsod wasnt the ram - 100%.


i think (fingers crossed) that i've fixed it now.


eventualy i got tmods cd to boot and decided - screw it - and flashed the bios. now that xp cd boots fine and i'm back into windows now :) - with that same RAM. will have to swap that over at some point


guess exroadies post takes you to a certain point but if your bios is freaked you need to reflash it

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nope. my 2nd sys is the overclocked one and oddly, has been more stable than this one.


at the mo everything is back to the way it was before - only prob is i dont have audio. the module is plugged in fine, my speakers appear to be working but cant get any audio out. volume on full, checked the audio icon in sys tray and thats fine. weird

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